Posts by category
- Category: Blogs
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner ahead of the inquiry into the Southport murders
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on the Second Reading of the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on the sentencing of Axel Rudakubana
- Making England to be the best place to be a child – Juno Schwarz, The Drive Forward Foundation
- The changes needed in the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on tackling child sexual abuse in response to the testimonies of child victims
- Making England to be the best place to be a child – Jamie Masraff, OnSide
- What children think about fairness and empowerment
- Help at Hand care leavers training to professionals
- Reflecting on a busy year with Help at Hand
- The Big Conversation: Ruth Marvel OBE, Duke of Edinburgh Chief Executive
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill
- Press Notice: Hundreds of millions spent by councils placing vulnerable children in illegal children’s homes
- How the School Survey will help shape the future of education
- Confederation of Schools Trust Annual Conference: Reflections from youth Ambassadors
- Children’s views on mathematics
- The Big Conversation: Dame Melanie Dawes, Ofcom Chief Executive
- The Children’s Commissioner shares activities for Maths Week England 2024
- What are children in need plans for?
- Why safety and care must come before force in youth justice
- Press Notice: Outcomes for vulnerable children dictated by local capacity and workload pressures, not needs, Children’s Commissioner warns
- National Care Leavers Week: In Their Own Words
- Advocacy for children in accommodation rated inadequate
- Budget 2024: Children’s Commissioner’s reaction
- The Children’s Commissioner is looking for new Youth Ambassadors
- “We are robbing children of their childhoods” – new data reveals years-long waits for children’s autism diagnoses
- Press Notice: Children’s Commissioner warns of invisible crisis as delays and inequalities laid bare among children with neurodevelopmental conditions
- Celebrating 100 Voices for 100 Days, and continuing The Big Conversation
- Kinship Care Week 2024: Experiences of kinship carer
- Kinship Care Week 2024
- The Big Conversation at the Labour Party Conference: Reflections from my Youth Ambassadors
- ‘You’ll never walk alone…’ Visiting Spellow Library
- The Big Conversation at the Labour Party Conference
- The Big Conversation podcast
- Press Notice: Children’s Commissioner launches biggest ever survey of schools and colleges in England
- Press Notice: ‘Lack of urgency’ in tracing thousands of children missing from education and unknown to authorities
- Protecting children online: Why we need to act now to keep children safe from online dangers
- Children’s Commissioner responds to new figures on children referred to mental health support for anxiety
- Ofsted’s Big Listen – an opportunity to rebuild trust and fairness in inspection
- Back to school 2024
- Help at Hand – stepping in when disabled children’s rights to education are not upheld
- Help at Hand – improving access to advocacy for children in inadequate homes
- Help at Hand – supporting young people leaving care
- Help at Hand – our work with Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum
- Help at Hand – a new look
- Dealing with exam disappointment, reflections from a young Ambassador
- Press Notice: Child strip searched every 14 hours by police in England and Wales
- Keeping children safe online: why we must tackle misinformation and violent content
- The Big Ambition: What children said about reading
- The Big Ambition: What children said about friendship
- Curriculum review: Reflections from my Youth Ambassadors
- Paris 2024: What children said about sport in The Big Ambition
- Visit to HMYOI Werrington
- King’s Speech 2024: Children’s Commissioner’s response
- Tech companies must listen to children, we ignore their views at our peril
- Children’s Commissioner’s response to HMIP report on conditions at Feltham Young Offenders Institution
- Every child in care should have a loving, stable home
- 100 Voices for 100 Days: Putting children’s voices at the heart government
- First time voters: my Youth Ambassadors reflect on voting in their first general election
- Educated in Britain and graduating in Ukraine: a reflection from my young Ambassador
- The Big Ambition for a Better World: Reflections from my Ambassadors
- The Big Ambition for Safety from Crime: Reflections from my Ambassadors
- The Big Ambition for Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum: Reflections from my Ambassadors
- The Big Ambition for Online Safety: Reflections from my Ambassadors
- The Big Ambition for Children’s Social Care: Reflections from my Ambassadors
- The Big Ambition for Jobs and Skills: Reflections from my Ambassadors
- 2024 Euros – an opportunity to inspire a new generation to enjoy sport
- The Big Ambition for Youth Work: Reflections from my Ambassadors
- International Day of Play: What children had to say about play
- The Big Ambition for Health: Reflections from my Ambassadors
- The Big Ambition for Education: Reflections from my Ambassadors
- The Big Ambition for Families: reflections from my young Ambassadors
- Victims and Prisoners Bill: Children’s experiences as victims of crime
- The Big Ambition for the Election: My vision
- Why children want a leaders’ debate, from my young Ambassadors
- The Big Ambition to include children’s voices in the election
- Walk to School Week: what have children told us about walking to school?
- All-Party Parliamentary Group for Children, reflections from my Ambassadors
- A global citizen: transforming health care for children in Australia
- Moving more to improve mental health: Mental Health Awareness Week and The Big Ambition for Sport roundtable
- Nearly a third of children in alternative provision did not sustain a positive destination after Year 11
- The Big Ambition for a Better World
- Abuse at Whitefield School – Children’s Commissioner’s response
- The Big Ambition for Jobs and Skills
- The Big Ambition for Online Safety
- The Big Ambition for Safety from Crime
- The Big Ambition for Youth Work
- The Big Ambition for Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum
- The Big Ambition for Children’s Social Care
- Thousands of child abuse victims forced to navigate criminal justice system without support
- The Big Ambition for Education
- The Big Ambition for Health
- The Big Ambition for Families
- The Big Ambition: Children’s views on school
- The Big Ambition and quality family time
- Business Plan 2024-25: a critical year for children’s rights
- The Big Ambition – The Story of a Million Children
- Press Notice: One million voices: The Big Ambition calls for children’s solutions to be at the heart of election manifestos
- Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children: record numbers arriving once again in Kent
- Reaction to the Tobacco and Vapes Bill, from young Ambassadors
- Press Notice: Over a quarter of a million children still waiting for mental health support, Children’s Commissioner warns
- Tips on how to help a young carer, from a young carer
- The Big Ambition for Children’s Social Care, reflections from a care leaver
- ‘Inspire Inclusion’ – International Women’s Day 2024
- Urgent change is needed in England’s young offenders institutions, says Children’s Commissioner
- Press Notice: Children’s Commissioner uncovers huge regional variation in support from children’s social services for some of England’s most vulnerable children
- New statistics show a huge increase in the number of children completely missing education
- Auditory Verbal therapy: supporting deaf children to thrive at school and beyond
- The Big Ambition for Online roundtable: reflections from youth Ambassadors
- Press Notice: Children’s Commissioner raises the alarm over the numbers of children who are falling through the cracks after leaving the state education system
- The Big Ambition for Youth Work Roundtable, Ambassadors share their thoughts
- Children value outside spaces to play in their local communities
- Apprenticeships are for everyone, a personal experience and advice from one of our Ambassadors
- Supporting children’s mental health this Children’s Mental Health week
- Self-care: A care leavers journey
- Why listening to children really matters when it comes to mental health, from one of our Ambassadors
- Making sure children’s voices matter this Children’s Mental Health week
- The Children’s Commissioner’s view on artificial intelligence (AI)
- New statistics on Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) for children with special educational needs
- New figures reveal drop in number of school absences, but attendance must remain top priority
- The importance of Independent Visitors for children in care
- Taking a whole family approach to supporting disabled children
- Ensuring smooth transitions for disabled children
- Tips for parents whose children are struggling to attend school
- Digital playgrounds: Children’s views on video gaming
- A look back on Help at Hand in 2023
- Why focusing on families matters in Alternative Provision
- Girls and Alternative Provision – reframing the narrative
- Football Beyond Borders: Transforming the lives of young people
- Guest blog: attending the International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Identifying children’s additional needs early
- Championing Kinship Care
- Statement from the Commissioner on children’s Human Rights
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner
- Green Careers: Children’s big ambitions for a greener future
- Ensuring children’s voices are heard in the climate debate
- Connecting the dots – the importance of sharing data on children and families
- The importance of health and well-being to children and young people
- Why homeless 16 and 17 year olds don’t get the care they need
- New statistics on looked-after children
- Celebrating World Children’s Day
- Protecting children from serious violence
- Tackling the attendance crisis: A service of whole family support practitioners
- Briefing on school attendance in England
- Empowering Young Ambitions: The Benefits of Part-Time Jobs for School-Aged Children
- Celebrating the Civil Service Care Leavers Internship scheme at Number 10
- Help at Hand’s work with care leavers
- Who are ‘children in need’?
- ‘Make, Bake and Create’ with your Corporate Parents: a constructive experience for care leavers
- Should care experience be a protected characteristic?
- Care leavers week
- Update on the Illegal Migration Act
- Children’s mental health in secure settings
- Living with depression: A care leavers journey
- Help at Hand supporting children with mental health difficulties
- Experiences of children with SEND
- Supporting disabled children through Help at Hand
- Disabled children’s vision for change
- Kinship Care Week
- Navigating the Workplace with Dyslexia
- Children’s Commissioner raises concern about the possible introduction of incapacitant spray into Young Offenders Institutions
- The Children’s Commissioner launches ‘The Big Ambition’
- Children’s Social Care Reform
- Spotlight on: Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children missing from education
- Back to School
- Spotlight on: children with SEND & Mental Health missing from education
- Spotlight on: looked after children missing from education
- The importance of attendance
- Increasing advocacy for children in homes or residential schools that have a provisional rating of inadequate
- Guest blog: Top tips for starting a new job as a care leaver.
- GCSE results day
- Engaging parents in education
- A brilliant early education offer
- Looking ahead to exam results
- What is stop and search and how does it affect children?
- Staying safe this summer
- Help at Hand: Youth custody case study
- Visit to Oakhill Secure Training Centre
- Help at Hand supporting children with mental health needs
- Defining disadvantage
- Young people with eating disorders in England on the rise
- Mental health and family
- Children deprived of liberty
- Tell me what you think about whether ‘care experience’ should be given protection in law
- Guest blog: Why I want girls to have equal access to football in school
- Ongoing concerns following the passing of the Illegal Migration Bill
- Children’s Commissioner’s concerns about Cookham Wood and children in custody
- Speech to the Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS)
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on the Illegal Migration Bill
- Celebrating 75 years of the national health service
- Putting children at the heart of recovery in Ukraine
- Commissioner calls for radical rehaul of the SEND system
- Visit to Jubilee Primary School
- Empowering care leavers: a transformative experience at the National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum
- National Numeracy Day – giving children a solid foundation in maths
- Visit to The Lighthouse
- Celebrating the Coronation
- Celebrating the RE Council’s 50th Anniversary
- The impact of the Illegal Migration Bill on children
- Supporting parents & the community
- My journey to independence: A care leaver’s journey
- Child Q and the use of strip searching: progress so far
- Protecting children in the digital age
- The year ahead for Education
- Children’s Social Care – a look ahead
- A postcode lottery: the picture facing children’s mental health services
- Back to School
- Help at Hand and the Children with no school to return to after the Easter holidays
- The year ahead for Jobs & Skills
- Illegal Migration Bill – Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum
- Reflecting on the Family Review, and plans for the year ahead
- Celebrating the holidays
- My Health plans for the year ahead
- How children are making a Better World for themselves and others
- Community: the year ahead
- Children’s Commissioner and her Help at Hand team visit reception centre for unaccompanied children seeking asylum
- What does the Spring Budget mean for children & young people?
- New attendance figures for academic year 2021/22
- Letter to the Home Secretary on the Illegal Migration Bill
- Help at Hand’s recent visit to unaccompanied children seeking asylum in Home Office accommodation
- Students’ reflections from their trip to London
- Children and RSHE
- Celebrating two years as Children’s Commissioner
- Frankie Thomas’s death: the Children’s Commissioner urges action to prevent another tragedy
- Childcare in crisis: how do we fix a broken system?
- Letter to the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR)
- The Children’s Commissioner’s team visits the Little Princess Trust
- Career planning resources for care leavers
- Care Day – a chance to celebrate care experienced children and young people
- Resources for children and young people: Annual round-up
- The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child: 94th pre-session in Geneva
- Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week
- Children’s Mental Health Week: a focus on children in care and care leavers
- Help at Hand – Getting the right support for children with mental health needs
- Celebrating Children’s Mental Health Week
- Growing up with pornography: advice for parents and schools
- Apply to be on the Children’s Commissioner’s Care Experienced Advisory Board
- Help at Hand and Advocacy
- Guest blog: Sibling separation in care
- Letter to the Home Secretary
- Help at Hand’s recent work with care leavers
- The road to no more children missing from education
- Giving evidence to the Joint Committee on Human Rights
- Taking forward the recommendations in my independent Family Review
- Supporting care leavers
- Attendance goals need to be as ambitious as children are for themselves
- Family Review: Family Profiles fifteenth set
- The Children’s Commissioner reflects on her January Advisory Board
- Family Review: Findings from The Big Summer Survey
- Using data on previous absence to predict current absence
- The Big Ask Data Challenge for Key Stage 3 and 4 students
- Springing forwards into a new school term
- It’s important to listen to children this year
- Guest Blog: Experience of the Civil Service Care Leaver Internship
- New Year’s Resolutions
- How to do your bit for the environment in 2023
- IMO: Annual Round-up
- Guest Blog: Supporting children in care at Christmas
- Festive traditions across the world
- Help at Hand: Annual Round-up
- Supportive messages for teenagers in care and care leavers over Christmas
- Family Review: Ideas for activities to enjoy with your family this Christmas
- Supporting children in care over Christmas
- Celebrating the end of term
- Activities to get involved in your local community this Christmas
- Better World: Annual Round-up
- Family Review Part II: Celebrating Military Families Annex
- Where to get support for your mental health over the Christmas period
- Family Review: Family Profiles fourteenth set
- Children’s Social Care: Annual roundup
- Online Communities: Annual roundup
- Family Review: Family Profiles thirteenth set
- New findings on how children in care interact with the criminal justice system
- Family Review Part II: The importance of siblings for children in care
- Health: Annual roundup
- School: Annual roundup
- Jobs and Skills: Annual roundup
- Family Review Part II: Why we are revisiting the Family Test
- The Children’s Commissioner launches her Children’s Advisory Board
- Family Review Part II: Why we are looking at military families
- Why the Children’s Commissioner’s office is focusing on Mental Health Inpatient Care
- New NHS Data shows school absence rates are higher in children with a probable mental health disorder
- A 100% attendance target means no child left behind
- How Help at Hand helps children get back into education
- An integrated AP system designed by the children who use it
- Out of sight, out of mind?
- Latest early years foundation stage results
- Research into the impact of pornography on children
- Carers Rights Day 2022
- The Molly Rose Foundation
- Children’s views on online safety in ‘The Big Ask’
- Family Review Part II: Why we are looking at Family Information Services (FIS)
- What we’ve learned about methods of age assurance on social media
- How do we better support vulnerable children and young people?
- The Children’s Commissioner’s priorities for online safety
- Celebrating World Children’s Day
- Family Review: Family Profiles twelfth set
- Where can I go with maths? Our resource connecting maths to careers, skills and everyday life
- Family Review Part II: Why we asked children what they did during the summer holidays
- Better World: Reflections from COP27
- Guest blog: FED Learners’ Council on how to support children and young people into their dream careers
- Family Review Part II: Developing an outcomes framework
- Meeting care experienced apprentices from Warwickshire
- Family Review: Family Profiles disabilities
- The Children’s Commissioner’s vision for the SEND system
- The Children’s Commissioner launches The Big Ask Maths Week Challenge
- Family Review: Family Profiles tenth set
- Marking Remembrance Day
- Getting the right support for asylum seeking children
- Reducing child obesity and encouraging children to be active
- Help at Hand – Getting the right support for children with mental health needs
- Help at Hand – Supporting children with physical disabilities
- Family Review Part II: Bringing family services together through better data practices
- Focusing on Children’s Health
- A day in the life of a Help at Hand child rights adviser
- Advocacy and the Help at Hand Review
- What children and young people think about Help at Hand
- Latest statistics on Children in Need in England
- About Help at Hand – The Children’s Commissioner’s advocacy service
- Welcome back – attendance and the importance of the first week of term
- Family Review: Family Profiles ninth set
- Help at Hand: Supporting care leavers throughout the year
- What can you offer care leavers?
- A practical guide for care leavers
- The Children’s Commissioner’s vision for care leavers
- Family Review: Family Profiles adoption
- The Children’s Commissioner’s response to the IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
- The Big Summer Survey – 5 days left to take part
- Family Review: Family Profiles adoption
- A reflection on the roundtables for Family Review Part 2
- The Children’s Commissioner’s visit to King’s Lynn
- Getting support right for all adopted children
- The Children’s Commissioner requests information on all strip searches of children by police forces in England and Wales
- Family Review: Family Profiles sixth set
- Better World: The road to COP 27 climate change conference in Egypt
- Share how you use maths in your career and everyday life in our resource for young people
- The Children’s Commissioner’s vision for childcare
- Celebrating International Day of the Girl
- Children’s access to mental health support
- The Children’s Commissioner’s Pillars: Better World
- World Mental Health Day
- Family Review: Family Profiles kinship care
- Reflections from kinship carers this Kinship Care Week
- World Teachers’ Day – celebrating teachers across England
- Visit from the Children’s Commissioner’s team to Bedspace supported accommodation in Liverpool
- Resources for Kinship Care Week
- The Children’s Commissioner responds to the Molly Russell inquest conclusion
- The Children’s Commissioner responds to the Justice Committee’s pre-legislative scrutiny of the draft Victims Bill
- The Children’s Commissioner publishes ‘Digital childhoods: a survey of children and parents’
- Identifying the looked after children missing from education
- Using school attendance data proactively rather than reactively
- Looking ahead to Party Conference
- Family Review: Family Profiles third set
- Farewell to Her Majesty The Queen
- Tips for young adult carers starting university
- Care leavers practical guide to starting university
- The importance of supporting Ukrainian children to attend school regularly
- The importance of the first week back at school – a guide for attendance officers
- Back into School
- Launching ‘The Big Summer Survey’
- Family Review: Family Profiles second set
- Children’s Commissioner for England launches preliminary findings of The Family Review at Policy Exchange
- The Children’s Commissioner’s Pillars: Family
- Children with special educational needs and employment
- Thank you for contributing your family profiles to the Family Review
- What children say about jobs
- Helping care leavers find their place in the world of work
- What we’ve learned about girls and STEM this summer
- Preparing for GCSE results day
- Jobs & skills – The Children’s Commissioner’s view
- An opportunity to be involved in the Children’s Commissioner’s Family Profiles
- Young Carers Festival 2022
- All schools should be schools for children with Special Educational Needs
- Preparing for A Level results day
- Hidden Victims
- School – the Children’s Commissioner’s view
- Share your family profile as part of the Children’s Commissioner’s Family Review
- Celebrating International Youth Day
- Parents voices: Reflections from a visit to a Southend Family Hub
- Connecting children, families and community
- “We deserve better” – young people’s views on public sexual harassment
- Celebrating the legacy of the Commonwealth Games for children
- Digital communities: The Children’s Commissioner’s survey of children and parents on the online world
- Community – the Children’s Commissioner’s view
- Strip search of children by the Metropolitan Police Service – new analysis by the Children’s Commissioner for England
- Fun Activities for the Summer Holidays
- How we can support children and their mental health to attend school regularly
- Celebrating National Playday 2022
- The importance of mental healthcare in the early years
- The importance of sport in children’s lives
- Health – the Children’s Commissioner’s view
- International Day of Friendship
- No more known unknowns
- Celebrating the Commonwealth Games
- Reforming children’s homes: a policy plan of action
- Creating a child safeguarding system which shares data to protect and empower children and young people
- What we learned from parents of children under 5 in the second Family Review Call to Action
- Children deprived of liberty
- Children’s social care – the Children’s Commissioner’s view
- The end of a busy term at the Children’s Commissioner’s office
- Celebrating the end of term
- The Children’s Commissioner visits Eden Girls School
- FED’s vision for the education system
- Loot boxes and gambling
- Starting ‘Big’ school in September – an assembly for year six pupils
- Reflections on Kinship Care Liverpool’s Visit
- Let’s get ready for September
- Celebrating Children’s Art Week
- The Children’s Commissioner speaks at The Nuffield Foundation’s Early Childhood conference
- Care leavers from NYAS visit the Children’s Commissioner’s office
- A Head Start: The Children’s Commissioner’s ambitions for children’s mental health
- Reflections on the third Family Review roundtable with the Westminster Family Hubs team
- Giving evidence to the Education Select Committee
- Listening to refugee and asylum-seeker children
- What leads to a child being out of school?
- Wimbledon and the inspiring power of sport
- What we learnt from Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller children who responded to The Big Ask
- Putting children’s voices at the heart of mental health discussions
- Why teaching RSE well is so important
- Help at Hand: Helping Children Get Back into Education
- Young carers speak about the importance of having a young carers champion in school
- Help at Hand: Helping children in care with disabilities
- The Big Ask Voices: Green jobs, skills and aspirations
- The Big Ask: What we learned from children aged 4-5
- The Big Ask and sport
- Family Review: What children told us in our first Call to Action
- Confederation of School Trusts 2022 conference: Truly Civic
- The Children’s Commissioner’s visit to Ark Boulton Academy for the Family Review
- How speaking to parents and carers about their children’s attendance illustrates the interconnectedness of family life
- The Children’s Commissioner speaks at Ministerial roundtable on children’s experiences of racism and the case of Child Q
- The Children’s Commissioner will give evidence on the draft Victims Bill to the Justice Select Committee
- Understanding children’s experience of PSHE and RSE
- Making sure children’s homes work for children
- Today at the European Network of Children’s Commissioners (ENOC)
- Reflections on our Family Review roundtable with frontline professionals
- Making sure young carers are visible, valued & supported
- As the summer half term starts, the Children’s Commissioner shares deep dive into The Big Ask findings on attendance
- Platinum Jubilee: Celebrating 70 years of service to children
- Fun things to do for the Platinum Jubilee!
- The next steps to improving mental health support for children
- The Children’s Commissioner visits Great Ormond Street Hospital
- Thank you to everyone who responded to our Family Review Call for Evidence
- The Children’s Commissioner celebrates teachers across the country for National Thank a Teacher Day
- The Children’s Commissioner responds to the National Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel
- What our attendance work tells us about children and their families
- Help at Hand: How the Children’s Commissioner’s advice service is helping children and offering insights for her Family review
- The Children’s Commissioner responds to the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care
- The Children’s Commissioner looks forward to the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care
- Where can I go with maths? A resource for young people connecting maths to careers, skills and everyday life
- Encouraging the next generation of girls to be excited about studying maths and pursuing careers in STEM
- Two weeks left to respond to our Family Review Call for Evidence
- Making sure children’s voices are heard and delivered on for National Children’s Day UK 2022
- Recognising Foster Care as part of Foster Care Fortnight
- Acknowledging children in Mental Health Awareness Week
- Children’s Commissioner presents initial findings of Attendance Audit to Attendance Action Alliance
- Family Review: Call to action for children
- Children’s Commissioner welcomes proposals to improve support for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP)
- Commission from Government: Children’s Commissioner Family Review
- Child Q – Sorry needs to mean it won’t happen again
- The Big Ask Voices: Shining a light on young carers
- Social Worker of the Year Awards: Celebrating World Social Work Day
- Highlighting women using maths in their careers for National Careers Week
- The Big Ask: International Women’s Day
- We should not hide from children what is happening in Ukraine
- The Big Ask and apprenticeships
- Cheering all round – children excited to return to school
- Dame Rachel de Souza DBE outlines why school attendance is not just vital for helping children recover from the pandemic, it’s what they said they wanted in The Big Ask survey
- The Big Ask Voices: Vulnerable children
- Arthur Labinjo-Hughes – the need for love and safety in children’s social care
- World Children’s Day: Letter to children from Minister for Children and Families
- Anti-Bullying Week and The Big Ask
- The Big Ask: The environment and COP26
- Help at Hand: The issues facing care leavers this year
- The Big Ask: Children in care and care leavers
- The Big Ask: Education
- Conversations with care leavers: the importance of trusting relationships
- The Big Ask: Family
- The Big Ask: Mental health
- Let’s celebrate children’s achievements – not scrabble for debates about systems
- Improving support for adopted children and their families
- A joined-up vision for children’s support will improve the lives of children with SEND
- Changing the law to put an end to child marriage
- Tackling children’s experiences of online sexual abuse
- A big thank you for a huge response to The Big Ask
- The Big Ask goes to Bolton
- Children need action and support now against sexual harassment and abuse
- Welcoming the return of children to school after lockdown
- Dame Rachel de Souza’s first message as she begins her term as Children’s Commissioner for England
- Lockdown school closures mean we need to act now to save children’s education and wellbeing
- Children’s thoughts on exams next year
- If children led the care review, what would they change?
- Exams are on, but we still need to recognise the time children have lost from school
- Should Santa have to quarantine? What children think about Christmas
- What did the Spending Review do for children?
- Amplifying the voices of care leavers: the IMO podcast wins gold
- What are children happy and concerned about since returning to school?
- 10 asks for care leavers
- Governments have a duty to work together to prevent asylum seeking children from risking their lives
- Lifting children out of poverty and eliminating child hunger is a moral imperative
- Government scientists respond with more answers from children’s coronavirus questions
- Amid the coronavirus uncertainty, millions of children are back in school
- How lockdown affected children’s stress and anxiety
- Help at Hand spotlight: championing the rights of children in care under Covid-19
- Post-lockdown experiences: Returning to school life
- Post-lockdown experiences: Living with autism during Covid-19
- Back to school after lockdown
- Supporting children with special educational needs and disabilities to return to school
- How lockdown has affected children’s lives at home
- Children without internet access during lockdown
- Children from across the UK ask government scientists their questions about coronavirus
- Let’s ensure children receive the best support early on to improve their life chances
- Growing up North after Covid
- Vulnerable teenagers: where did it go wrong?
- Putting children at the heart of scientific advice on Covid-19
- Lockdown experiences: Youth work in the time of Covid-19
- We are running out of time to set up vital summer schemes for children
- Fact checking claims about child poverty
- How the Covid-19 crisis has affected children’s right to an education
- The IMO Podcast: an award nominated podcast featuring open and honest conversations with care leavers
- The numbers behind homeschooling during lockdown
- Lockdown experiences: Being a young carer during Covid-19
- Lockdown experiences: What children are planning as lockdown is eased
- Lockdown experiences: Children in care and their experiences of education
- Lockdown experiences: Children with autism
- Children should not bear the burden of the pandemic recession
- Covid-19: Bringing young apprentices out of ‘the dark’
- Lockdown experiences: A group of nine young people told us about their priorities for government
- Lockdown experiences: A young person’s guide to lockdown and reaching out to young people via social media
- Lockdown experiences: young people in children’s homes
- Children and stress, what’s worrying them most
- Lockdown experiences: Members from Cambs Youth Panel who are helping to get more children digitally connected
- #ThisIsFostering: care leavers share how they #definecare virtually during lockdown
- Lockdown experiences: Leaving school and preparing for college
- Teachers will play a frontline role in getting our children back up to speed with their education
- Lockdown experiences: How it’s affecting children and social workers
- Lockdown experiences: Children in foster care
- Lockdown experiences: What being in isolation is like for children
- What is socially distanced child protection and can it work?
- Digital 5 a day: practical steps to achieve a healthy and balanced digital diet while socially isolating
- “Angry, fed up, isolated”: Coronavirus and children’s mental health
- We need an army of volunteers for vulnerable children
- Today is the start of a school week like no other
- Supporting children during the coronavirus outbreak
- Families living with no recourse to public funds
- Keeping kids safe, Anne Longfield’s article for the Huffington Post
- County lines gangs – a letter to the Editor of The Times
- Nurture with nature: Why environmental engagement is imperative for children
- The state of child poverty and how we can tackle it
- Children’s experiences of online harm and what they want to do about it
- Insights into the lives of children and young people
- The Government should finally make ‘left behind’ children its priority
- Former Home Secretary and member of Children’s Commissioner advisory board Jacqui Smith responds to our vulnerability report
- The paralysis currently affecting much of Whitehall and Westminster is letting down Children in Need
- Universal Credit – “Children are going hungry. It’s not a myth, it’s a fact.”
- New report suggests significant group of children are being denied advocacy despite having a statutory entitlement to it
- The first step in redressing the balance of power between children and the tech giants
- Foster Care Fortnight 2019: Changing futures
- HCLG Select Committee report shows children’s services are in crisis
- Teens in care and care leavers challenge perceptions and share successes on IMO
- What does the Government’s Online Harms White Paper mean for children?
- Universal Credit – “We’re giving out more than we’re taking in”
- Children’s Commissioner’s Business Plan 2019-20
- Excluded teens are often the most vulnerable – and they’re falling through the gap
- Universal Credit – Charities are struggling to meet demand
- How young people are gaining valuable life skills with the police
- Universal Credit – The accumulative stress of uncertainty
- Children’s Commissioner publishes a statutory Duty of Care for online service providers
- Listening to the needs of young carers and giving them the support they need
- Online platforms must do more to tackle social media content which is harmful to children
- Universal Credit – “This system is so difficult to find your way around.”
- Universal Credit needs to change now
- Universal Credit – “She was trying to hide it from the children as best she could.”
- What will the NHS 10 year plan deliver for children?
- Anne Longfield writes for the Sunday Times: How do we improve the lives of children growing up in poverty?
- Universal credit – Generosity takes many forms
- Government’s Children in Need Review shows 1.1m children needed interventions from children’s services in last three years
- Universal Credit must be halted until we can guarantee children in poverty will not be impacted
- Universal Credit – Three days that carry us through
- What’s it like to be a child growing up with HIV?
- Anti-Bullying Week – The “B” word
- Universal Credit – Heating or eating
- Rotherham drama students make a “Safe Place” from bullying
- Shining a light on foodbanks and Universal Credit
- Finding out more about children in England detained in the secure estate
- Transforming northern childhoods: an essay for the Fabian report ‘Growing Up in the 2020s’
- Protecting children’s rights post-Brexit
- Does mentoring work?
- Voices from the Inside: an insight into the experiences of girls in Secure Training Centres
- Growing Up Digital one year on
- Supporting care leavers during the festive season
- New initiative to help children identify fake news welcome addition to on-going digital resilience debate
- How parents and carers can support their children to manage their rights and privacy online
- Shining a light on the experiences of children excluded from schools and in alternative provision
- Shining a light on the experiences of children in detention in England
- Shining a light on the experiences of children subject to immigration control
- Shining a light on the experiences of children involved in gangs in England
- Meaningfully improving the lives of care leavers this National Care Leavers’ Week
- Shining a light on the experiences of children with mental health needs
- Children’s Commissioner launches social media giants’ terms and conditions ‘jargon-buster’ to give kids more power in digital world
- Why the Government body for judging compensation for the victims of child abuse is getting it wrong
- Takeover Challenge – next generation
- Why I’m asking urgent questions about the state of mental health provision for children.
- How a Digital 5 A Day can help children lead healthy online lives
- Prince Harry has given a green light to talk about mental health – Kids must have the help they need
- Being ambitious for children’s mental health
- Children with mental health problems need help to recover and thrive
- Anne Longfield: My first week as Children’s Commissioner and my immediate priorities
- Category: Lockdown experiences
- Category: News
- Press Notice: Deep distrust of the police and lack of opportunity as drivers in children’s motivation to take part in last summer’s riots
- Sara Sharif: Children’s Commissioner responds to sentencing
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on the murder of Sara Sharif
- ‘Speech Your Mind’ awards ceremony – a real win for children’s voices
- Press Notice: New research reveals ‘stark failures’ of social care system, as the Children’s Commissioner calls for urgent reform and stronger safeguards
- What is this plan for? The purpose and content of children in need plans
- Commissioner responds to IOPC investigation into Child Q
- The Children’s Commissioner’s concerns about loot boxes
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on child sexual abuse redress scheme
- New support to tackle absence announced – statement in response from the Children’s Commissioner
- “Listen to us” – young people’s views of the SEND system
- Family Review Part II: why my Office is visiting children in secure settings
- Mental Health and the Online World: what do children say?
- Help at Hand – Annual Report and Review
- Family Review: Family Profiles fourth set
- Changes to the Children’s Commissioner’s Audit and Risk Committee
- Publishing our first set of Family Profiles
- Hearing from parents of young children: Reflections on a visit to a Blackpool Family Hub
- Reflections on the fourth Family Review roundtable with researchers
- The Children’s Commissioner visits Norwich for the Family Review
- Family Review: Listening to parents of children under 5
- The Women’s Euros as a chance to champion girls in sport
- The Children’s Commissioner’s meets young people involved in Liverpool’s UNICEF Child-Friendly City Programme
- The Children’s Commissioner visits Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool
- Reflections on the second Family Review roundtable with external policy professionals
- Family Review: Call to action for parents of young children
- It’s time for online age assurance to come of age
- It’s Our Care Day of Action: Pushing for reform in children’s social care
- The Children’s Commissioner publishes Voices of England’s Missing Children report
- Children’s Commissioner gives evidence to the Justice Select Committee on the draft Victims’ Bill
- The Children’s Commissioner visits Birmingham Children’s Hospital
- The Children’s Commissioner’s Family Review visit to Sunshine Corner Nursery
- The Children’s Commissioner attends Mental Health Roundtable at 10 Downing Street
- Back to where it all began, the Children’s Commissioner visits Luton and Dunstable
- The Children’s Commissioner reflects on her May Advisory Board
- The Children’s Commissioner gives evidence to the Online Safety Bill Committee
- Children’s Commissioner hosts workshop to put children at the heart of data sharing
- Dame Rachel De Souza DBE visits Community Paediatric service
- The things I wish my parents had known…Young people’s advice on talking to your child about online sexual harassment
- The Big Ask and the Autumn Budget and Spending Review
- Launching the biggest ever consultation with children in England as part of Beveridge-style report into post-Covid childhood
- We’re launching a once in a generation “Beveridge Report for children” with an ambitious call to rebuild childhood after the Covid-19 pandemic
- Improving the living situation of children living in secure accommodation
- Children will keep dying on our streets until there is a joined up public health response to gangs
- Damage to children’s mental health caused by Covid crisis could last for years without a large-scale increase for children’s mental health services
- Our joint letter with Solace urging the PM to set-out a roadmap to reopen schools
- Politicians must take child poverty out of the ‘too difficult box’ and come up with a big, bold plan to fix it
- Prioritising teachers and other key workers in the children’s sector for Covid vaccination
- Requesting details on Government plans to minimise learning loss during lockdown and support for reopening of schools
- Calling for radical ‘Scandinavian-style’ reforms to youth justice system
- UK Children’s Commissioners’ joint report to UN Committeee on the Rights of the Child
- Plans by tech giants for more encrypted messaging risks greater child exploitation and abuse
- Hundreds of vulnerable ‘invisible children’ in England are being locked away without any legal protection
- Anne Longfield presents her vision for a better care system
- Thousands of children in care being ‘failed by the state’ because of a broken residential care home market
- A comprehensive recovery package is needed to tackle rising tide of childhood vulnerability caused by the Covid crisis
- Ban the use of unregulated accommodation for under 18s in care
- Children’s Commissioner warns 420,000 children in England are at risk of eviction unless Government acts
- Response from Universities UK to the UK’s four Children’s Commissioners regarding A Level results
- Children’s Commissioners’ joint call to Universities
- Children and schools must come before pubs and shops in planning for future Covid-19 lockdowns
- Children’s Commissioner for England calls on Government to make early years central to Covid fightback with a new “Best Beginnings” guarantee
- Children’s Commissioner for England Anne Longfield responds to amended statutory rules for secure training centres
- Coronavirus crisis could see a lost generation of vulnerable teenagers falling through gaps in the school and social care systems
- Our letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer regarding free school meals during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Government and teaching unions should stop squabbling and agree a plan to get kids back into school
- Response to steps taken to relieve councils of certain duties to children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Changes to SEND duties
- Ensuring new families recieve the support they need during the coronavirus pandemic
- Children’s Commissioner for England creates local area profiles of child vulnerability during Covid-19
- Our letter to the Home Secretary regarding the crisis facing migrant families with children in the face of the Covid-19 outbreak
- Requesting additional safeguards to ensure that children’s rights and best interests are upheld during the coronavirus outbreak
- Calling on the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice to ensure the rights of children in custody are upheld during the coronavirus outbreak
- Anne Longfield’s letters to the Secretary of States for MHCLG, the DfE and DWP regarding the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on children and families.
- Calling on the Chancellor for emergency support for families during the coronavirus outbreak
- Letters to the Permanent Secretaries for the DfE and MHCLG regarding COVID-19 and children in care
- Tackling harmful content on Facebook – Anne Longfield’s letter to Facebook’s Head of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg
- Children’s mental health report warns ‘chasm’ remains between what services are available and what children need
- Thousands of children in care passed around the system like parcels and living miles away from family and friends
- Marking 30 years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child with call on political parties to put the spotlight on children during election campaign
- Changes to gambling laws needed as our report into online gaming reveals children’s gambling fears
- Almost one in five children left education at 18 last year without basic qualifications
- Children’s manifesto calls on political parties to back six pledges to transform life chances for all kids
- Thousands of children growing up in shipping containers, office blocks and B&Bs
- Leon Feinstein appointed Professor at the Rees Centre
- Explosion in number of older children going into care over last five years is hitting stability of the system
- My work experience fortnight at the Children’s Commissioner’s Office
- Multi-billion pound tax cut promises from Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt should instead go on mending broken childhoods
- Many vulnerable children with learning disabilities are stuck in mental health hospitals for too long in poor conditions
- The World Wide Web at 30: Re-imagining a web built for children
- Almost 1,500 children in England are locked up by the state at a cost of a third of a billion a year
- Over a third of local areas in England reduce real terms spending on low level children’s mental health services
- A response to our letter to DExEU on the consequences for children’s safety of a No Deal Brexit
- The same mistakes that led to child sexual exploitation are being repeated with gangs
- Children’s Commissioner for England calls for a compulsory register of “off the grid” children
- Analysis shows children’s mental health services are showing signs of improvement – but a seismic shift in ambition still needed to meet demand
- Children’s Commissioner’s report calls on internet giants and toy manufacturers to be transparent about collection of children’s data
- Ten top tips for minimising children’s data footprints
- Children’s Commissioner publishes report into vulnerable babies
- Voices of children living in households with domestic abuse, parental substance misuse and mental health issues
- The importance of stability
- Over two million children in England are growing up in families where there are serious risks, major study from Children’s Commissioner reveals
- Children’s Commissioner publishes report shining a light on the lives and experiences of children growing up in Armed Forces families
- Growing demand for high-cost ‘emergency’ children’s social care leaves gaps in provision for millions of other children, Children’s Commissioner warns
- The importance of stability
- Children’s Commissioner’s annual Stability Index for children in care warns thousands of vulnerable teenage ‘pinball kids’ are pinging around the care system
- Look North: Proud of where they’re from but too often left behind – Children’s Commissioner’s report calls for poorest Northern kids to be at heart of the Northern Powerhouse
- Growing up North: Creating better outcomes for children and young people
- Growing up North: Supporting communities
- Growing Up North: Skills development and career progression
- Growing up North: Challenging pre-conceptions about access to opportunities
- Growing up North: Early years development
- Growing up North: Breaking the cycle of poverty and intergenerational low literacy
- Growing up North: Ensuring a better start
- Growing up North: How can we inspire our children to have pride in the places they live?
- Growing up North: The role of employers
- Growing up North: Working to transform the lives of the most vulnerable children and families
- Growing up North: Giving children a voice
- Leon Feinstein writes about early intervention ahead of Select Committee appearance
- Children unprepared for social media ‘cliff edge’ as they start secondary school, Children’s Commissioner for England warns in new report
- In Brief: News and Updates from Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield
- Joint letter from Anne Longfield and UK Children’s Commissioners to the Chancellor calling for Universal Credit roll-out to be paused for children and families
- Letter from Anne Longfield to Simon Stevens, Chief Executive of NHS England
- In Brief: News and Updates from Anne Longfield
- Digital 5 A Day In The Classroom
- Digital 5 A Day
- Children’s Commissioner calls on EU not to use children as ‘bargaining chips’ during Brexit talks
- Shocking report by Children’s Commissioner reveals millions of children in England living vulnerable or high risk lives
- Making the case for a new UN framework for children’s digital rights
- New research shows victims of child sexual abuse within families face differential access to support
- Pinball kids: Children’s Commissioner shines a light on children in care ‘pinging’ between schools, homes and social workers
- Anne Longfield welcomes new digital literacy report by the House of Lords
- Facebook and other social media providers must act responsibly and protect children
- Children’s Commissioner submits report on disabled children to the United Nations
- Anne Longfield welcomes £40m plan to tackle child sexual abuse and child trafficking
- Children’s Commissioner brings first ‘Growing Up North’ summit to East Yorkshire
- Anne Longfield, Children’s Commissioner for England’s response to Northern Powerhouse Partnership’s first report
- Children left to fend for themselves in the digital world
- An estimated four out of five young carers receive no support
- Northern regeneration offers once in a generation opportunity to reshape prospects for children
- Children’s Commissioner urges all cities to be ‘Child Friendly’
- Tens of thousands of roles taken over by children and young people for Takeover Challenge 2016
- Children in care control the corridors of power in Whitehall
- ‘Focus on children in need’ – Children’s Commissioner at National Children and Adults Services Conference 2016
- Now is the time to talk about turning Children’s Centres into ‘Family Hubs’ to support children in need
- New Director of Strategy for the Children’s Commissioner top team
- England’s Children’s Commissioner urges local councils to continue to find more places for Calais children
- Now let’s ensure all children are protected
- Anne Longfield comments on the arrival of children from Calais refugee camp to the UK
- Countdown to Calais camp closure: clock is ticking to protect children
- Children’s Commissioners call on French government to urgently provide protection for children before Calais camp is cleared
- Children’s Commissioner appoints leading figures from the Government, local authorities and the media as advisors
- Vital role of school nurses threatened as paperwork eats into time with children
- Children’s Commissioner for England says Icelandic ‘Barnahus’ approach could double convictions of child sexual abuse in West Yorkshire
- Care leavers missing out on important routes to employment through apprenticeships
- Breaking cycle of disadvantage for children in care is vital, says Children’s Commissioner
- Professor Leon Feinstein joins Children’s Commissioner’s top team
- “Best things in life are free – and they’re each other,” says the Children’s Commissioner this Bank Holiday weekend
- Children’s Commissioner appoints Alex Burghart as new strategy chief
- Schools leaving children without a voice over complaints, Children’s Commissioner’s report finds
- Only 1 in 8 children who are sexually abused are identified by professionals
- All set for an exciting Takeover Challenge 2015
- Children staging mass national takeover on Friday 20 November
- Young police cadets set to take over Scotland Yard
- Digital natives will demand a better deal from the internet, says Children’s Commissioner ahead of first Digital Taskforce meeting
- Children’s Commissioner’s 2016-17 business plan consultation survey now open
- Skype Families
- New Children’s Commissioner internet taskforce announced to help children as they grow up digitally
- Austerity has hit disadvantaged children hardest, MPs and peers say (Guardian)
- Children’s Commissioner for England comments on launch of Children and Young People’s Mental Health Taskforce report
- Anne Longfield: Why is PSHE so important?
- Children’s Commissioner mention: New Children’s Commissioner for England outlines her priorities (Family Law Week)
- New Children’s Commissioner for England hits the ground running
- Category: News and blogs
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on plans set out by the Home Secretary to look again at cases of child abuse by grooming gangs
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on new abuse footage at Whitefield School
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on Child Safeguarding Review Panel report on victims of sexual abuse
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on removing reasonable physical punishment of children
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on Manston, Kent
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on Panorama investigation Undercover School: Cruelty in the Classroom
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on new RHSE proposals
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on Ofcom’s draft Children’s Code
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on strengthened strip search proposals
- Children’s Commissioner welcomes closure of Cookham Wood
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on strip searching of young offenders
- A plan to ensure no child ever goes missing from education
- A fun summer holiday for every child
- Category: Podcast
- Category: Post-lockdown experiences
- Category: Statement
- Children’s Commissioner responds to National Audit Office report on SEND
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on removing single headline Ofsted judgements
- Statement from the Commissioner
- The Coronation of King Charles III – reflections from the Children’s Commissioner
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner on the Illegal Migration Bill
- Statement on Phase 2 of the review into alleged abuses against disabled children in residential settings
- Statement on government plans to tackle grooming
- Dame Rachel de Souza DBE responds to the Health and Social Care Select Committee’s latest report into children’s mental health
- Dame Rachel de Souza DBE responds to an announcement on exams from the new Head of Ofqual Dr Jo Saxton
- Response to the DfE’s announcement on unregulated accommodation for children in care
- Our joint call on the government to include a statutory duty on local authorities to fund community-based services in the Domestic Abuse Bill
- Independent review of children’s social care
- Anne Longfield congratulates Dame Rachel de Souza on her appointment as the next Children’s Commissioner for England
- Response to Government’s Online Harms announcement
- Our response to the recent judgement on the need for consultation with the Children’s Commissioner about changes affecting children
- Response to NHS figures on children’s mental health
- Protecting children’s digital privacy with the Age Appropriate Design Code
- Update on our letter regarding detaining children on public health grounds
- Too many children in England are still being excluded from school
- Anne Longfield responding to the Government’s plan to reopen schools to all children in September
- Children’s Commissioner for England Anne Longfield responds to Government announcement on extra funding for schools
- Anne Longfield responding to reports on the use of restraint and the use of separation in youth custody
- Anne Longfield responds to extension of free school meals over summer holidays
- Responding to the DfE’s announcement on children in care living in unregulated accommodation
- Responding to the multi-agency report on children sexually abused within the family
- Responding to the Chief Inspector of Prisons’ report on the separation of children in young offender institutions
- Response to the Home and Foreign Secretaries regarding British children in Syria
- Children’s Commissioner for England response to CQC report on the state of care
- Anne Longfield responds to Government Spending Review
- Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield responds to Home Affairs Select Committee report on serious violence
- Anne Longfield responds to the Government’s announcement on knife crime
- Response from the Children’s Commissioner for England to Edward Timpson’s school exclusions review
- Children’s Commissioner responds to HCLG Select Committee report on children’s services
- Children’s Commissioner responds to the ICO’s consultation on online safety
- The UK’s Children’s Commissioners write to the Government on issues facing children arising from a No Deal Brexit
- Children’s Commissioner responds to feedback on her Home Education report and Channel 4 documentary
- Children’s Commissioner for England responds to NAO report on children’s social care
- Children’s Commissioner responds to Ofsted’s school inspections consultation launch
- Children’s Commissioner responds to Public Accounts Committee report on children’s mental health services
- Anne Longfield responds to Education Select Committee report on school exclusions
- Anne Longfield responds to joint Health and Education Select Committee Report into the Government’s Green Paper on Children’s Mental Health
- Children’s Commissioner, Anne Longfield is announced as a member of a cross party Government Taskforce for tackling violent crime
- Anne Longfield, Children’s Commissioner for England, responds to Jeremy Hunt’s intervention on children and social media
- Eligibility for free school meals under Universal Credit: new research from the Institute for Fiscal Studies
- Response to the Government’s review into school exclusions
- Response to the Government’s proposals in its Integration Green Paper on children educated at home and illegal schools
- Anne Longfield responds to the Care Quality Commission’s latest report looking at children’s mental health services
- Anne Longfield, Children’s Commissioner for England, responds to Department for Education’s publication of ‘Foster Care in England’
- Anne Longfield responds to Northern Powerhouse Partnership study
- Young Carers Awareness Day: ensuring young carers receive the support they need
- Anne Longfield responds to the Government’s announcement on Relationships and Sex Education
- Anne Longfield responds to Shelter’s report on children homeless at Christmas
- Anne Longfield’s response to the CQC report into the provision of children’s mental health services
- Anne Longfield, Children’s Commissioner for England, responds to Government’s Green Paper on internet safety
- Anne Longfield responds to Government announcement of 2,000 extra nurses, therapists and consultants for children’s mental health services
- Damning description of youth detention system highlights need for urgent action from Ministry of Justice
- Anne Longfield responds to reports of increasing loneliness among children
- Anne Longfield comments on new child poverty figures released by the Office for National Statistics
- Anne Longfield responds to research for BBC School Report on children’s mental health
- Anne Longfield responds to Government’s aim of introducing statutory sex education across all schools
- Anne Longfield responds to Channel 4 Dispatches broadcast on 1 March 2017
- Anne Longfield responds to reports about decriminalising viewing of indecent images of children
- Children’s Commissioner welcomes findings that 75% of people think impact of sexting and pornography should be taught in schools
- Anne Longfield comments on production of new child abuse and neglect guidelines by NICE
- Anne Longfield comments on Victim Commissioner’s review into treatment of young crime victims by criminal justice agencies
- Anne Longfield comments on Supreme Court ruling on income rules for foreign spouses
- Safer Internet Day 2017 and Growing Up Digital
- Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield responds to publication of first report from the Northern Powerhouse Partnership
- Anne Longfield comments on youth justice annual statistics 2015-16 for England and Wales
- Children’s Commissioner responds to the Prime Minister’s announcement on industrial strategy
- Anne Longfield comments on the serious case review into Poppy Widdison’s death
- Anne Longfield responds to announcement of new educational Opportunity Areas
- Children’s Commissioner responds to Theresa May’s announcement on mental health
- Anne Longfield responds to Internal Review of the Independent Inquiry Into Child Sexual Abuse
- Anne Longfield responds to Government’s pledge to investigate reports that migrant children are going missing from UK care system
- Anne Longfield comments on Charlie Taylor Review of Youth Justice System and Government’s response
- Anne Longfield comments on rise in children hospitalised for self-harm
- Anne Longfield comments on Mayor’s £4m commitment to tackling sexual abuse
- Anne Longfield comments on HMIC report revealing 75% of child abuse cases handled inadequately by Met Police
- Anne Longfield responds to Education Policy Institute’s new ‘Time to Deliver’ report
- Anne Longfield comments on report by ECPAT UK and Missing People
- Response to Review of Metropolitan Police Service handling of non-recent sexual offence investigations
- Anne Longfield responds to BBC investigation into use of strip searches by police
- Children’s Commissioner for England Anne Longfield comments on new figures from the Internet Watch Foundation
- Anne Longfield welcomes new Ditch the Label report on masculinity and misogyny in the digital age
- Anne Longfield comments on National Audit Office’s report on Children in Need of Care or Protection
- Anne Longfield comments on UK Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s Annual Report
- Anne Longfield comments on closure of Calais refugee camp
- Anne Longfield comments on rise in calls to Childline about suicide
- Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield responds to the Children’s Society’s Good Childhood Report
- Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield congratulates students on 2016 GCSE results
- Anne Longfield responds to research by the Department for Education into the health and wellbeing of young people living in England
- Anne Longfield comments on visit to Calais camp by senior councillors from the Local Government Association
- Anne Longfield comments on appointment of Alexis Jay OBE as Chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
- Anne Longfield responds to ‘Abuse during childhood: Findings from the Crime Survey for England and Wales’ report by the ONS
- Children’s Commissioner’s Digital Taskforce developing new ways of helping children manage their time online
- Anne Longfield responds to Ofsted’s ‘Unknown children – destined for disadvantage?’ report
- Anne Longfield responds to NSPCC call for tutors to be DBS checked
- Welcome commitments have potential to transform lives of thousands of vulnerable children and young people
- Anne Longfield welcomes Keep On Caring
- Anne Longfield comments on Care Quality Commission’s review of child safeguarding and looked after children services in England
- Anne Longfield responds to Sir Martin Narey’s independent review of children’s residential care in England
- Voices of children like Ellie Butler must be heard
- Anne Longfield comments on NSPCC online grooming and abuse figures
- Anne Longfield comments on NSPCC’s ‘How safe are our children?’ report
- Children’s Commissioner Anne Longfield congratulates students on 2016 A-level results
- Anne Longfield comments on Commons Education Committee’s report on mental health and well-being of looked-after children
- Icelandic approach to tackling child abuse doubles conviction rates
- Anne Longfield comments on Internet Watchdog Foundation’s record reports of child sexual abuse online
- Anne Longfield comments on new Government scheme to resettle refugee children at risk
- Anne Longfield’s comment on UNICEF’s Report Card 13: Fairness for Children
- Children’s Commissioner calls on French Government to help lone children in Calais reunite with relatives in UK
- Learning about human trafficking and radicalisation in schools with Just Enough UK
- It’s time to recognise the effect domestic violence has on child witnesses – and to protect them from harm
- We must be mindful of children’s mental health support
- Anne Longfield’s reponse to Rotherham child abuse trial
- Anne Longfield’s comment on the Government’s consultation on implementing age checks on pornography websites
- Anne Longfield’s comment on article by Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe
- Early years are at the heart of life chances
- Anne Longfield’s response to the Government’s announcement that PSHE lesson (life skills) will not be made compulsory
- Anne Longfield voices support for Safer Internet Day 2016
- Anne Longfield’s comment on the interim report of the MOJ’s review of the youth justice system
- We must learn from the tragic death of Poppi Worthington
- Children’s Commissioners join call to provide refuge to more than 3,000 children
- Let’s dare to care this Christmas
- Anne Longfield comments on the Prime Minister’s proposed changes to children’s services
- Anne Longfield comments on proposed sugary drinks tax
- Children’s Commissioner calls for cross-Government strategy for youth and urges sector to shape it
- Anne Longfield on the Government’s plans to speed up adoption rates for children in care
- Anne Longfield comments on Martin Narey’s appointment to review children’s homes
- Anne Longfield on National Care Leavers Week 2015
- Placing young offenders in isolation hinders rehabilitation
- Response to young people with mental health issues and use of police holding cells
- Children’s Commissioner comments on Action for Children findings
- Not a soft option
- Children’s Commissioner comments on Childline’s Annual Review
- Children’s Commissioner responds to report on children with learning disabilities at higher risk of sexual exploitation
- Children’s Commissioner congratulates her Majesty the Queen on becoming longest serving monach
- Children’s Commissioner responds to police record of child sexting case
- It’s time to get back out to play
- Commissioner congratulates students on GCSE results
- Children’s Commissioner responds to the Good Childhood report
- Children’s Commissioner comment on Ofsted Social Care Inspection Data
- Government and local authorities must join forces to tackle poverty for pre-school children
- Commenting on the Prison Reform Trust’s review into the high proportion of people in custody who have been in care
- Responding to NSPCC’s annual state of the nation report on child safety, ‘How Safe are Our Children,’
- Now is the time for society to commit to tackling child sexual abuse
- Announcement on Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry
- Young people say why staying put in care is best
- Deputy Children’s Commissioner for England and Former Chair of the Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse linked to the Family Environment
- Children’s Commissioner urges new Government to focus on children
- Now is the #righttime to be thinking about how we can make life better for children and young people
- Guest Blog from Dawn Rees, Principal Policy Adviser: Future in Mind
- Children’s Commissioner commenting on “The UK’s Compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child”
- Six key priorities for after the general election: What should a new government do for children and young people?
- Anne Longfield, Children’s Commissioner for England, comments on today’s budget
- Children’s Commissioner response to Local Government Ombudsman report: Children’s Social Care Complaints System
- Accessibility
- Back into School
- Behind closed doors
- Building back better: Reaching England’s left behind children
- Children in care
- Children’s social care
- Children’s Commissioner’s information request
- CHLDRN – Local and national data on childhood vulnerability
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- EU children in Britain
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- The Big Conversation
- The Big Summer Survey
- The Children’s Commissioner’s School Survey 2024
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- Vulnerable children
- Where can I go with maths?
- Your voice
- About us
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- News and blogs
- Reports
- Child poverty
- A new child poverty target
- Changing the weather: Corona and community
- Child ‘food poverty’ is just one symptom of a wider injustice: poverty
- Government needs to understand and measure poverty
- How should policy support family incomes in the coronavirus crisis?
- How we can work with families in poverty
- Learning the lessons from previous recessions – focus on families
- Lockdown, poverty and the disadvantage gap
- Tackling the impact of child poverty
- We need a national plan to eradicate child poverty
- Work should free more families from poverty: here’s how we achieve it
- Child poverty
- Your information and privacy
- Site Map
- Help at Hand
- Call to action for parents of young children
- Family Review – Have your say
- Our first Call to Action – Interactive website
- Lockdown experiences
- Post-lockdown experiences
- Receive our vacancies by email
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- September 2015
- August 2015
- June 2015
- May 2015
- March 2015
- The Big Conversation Podcast – Episode 4 – Rachel Treweek Bishop of Gloucester
- Children’s involvement in the 2024 riots
- Briefing for MPs on Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill
- Help at Hand annual report 2023-2024
- The Big Conversation Podcast - Episode 3 - Ruth Marvel OBE, Chief Executive, Duke of Edinburgh
- Illegal Children’s Homes
- Deaths of children in need
- Hierarchy of needs for care experienced young people
- Children with complex needs who are deprived of liberty: Interviews with children to understand their experiences of being deprived of their liberty
- Children’s voices on mathematics
- The Big Conversation Podcast - Episode 2 - Melanie Dawes, Chief Executive, Ofcom
- What is this plan for? The purpose and content of children in need plans
- Supporting care experienced students: A handbook for professionals working in higher education
- “I’ve seen horrible things”: Children’s experiences of the online world
- Waiting times for assessment and support for autism, ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions
- The Big Conversation Podcast - Episode 1 - My Youth Ambassadors
- Children Missing Education: The Unrolled Story
- Strip searching of children in England and Wales: First complete dataset for 2018–2023, including new data July 2022-June 2023
- Children's experiences as victims of crime
- "What is a general election?" A resource for children and young people
- An Alternative Route: Post-16 support for young people attending Alternative Provision
- Child victims' access to advocacy
- The Big Ambition: Ambitions, Findings and Solutions
- Children’s Commissioner’s response to Ofcom’s Guidance for service providers publishing pornographic content
- Children's mental health services 2022-23
- Huge regional variation in support from children’s social services for some of England’s most vulnerable children
- Children’s Commissioner’s response to Ofcom’s ‘Protecting people from illegal harms online'
- Lost in Transition: The destinations of children who leave the state education system
- Digital playgrounds - Children's views on gaming
- Children's Commissioner's response to the Jay Review
- The state of children and young people’s advocacy services in England
- Unaccompanied children in need of care
- Children's Commissioner's briefing on the Victims and Prisoner's Bill
- Homeless 16- and 17-year olds in need of care
- Help at Hand annual report 2022-2023
- Missing Children, Missing Grades
- ‘We all have a voice’: Disabled children's vision for change
- Whistleblowing Report 2022-23
- The Children’s Commissioner’s response to ‘Youth vaping: call for evidence’
- Looked after children who are not in school
- Briefing for Peers on the Illegal Migration Bill
- Information sheet: Pornography and young people
- Evidence on pornography's influence on harmful sexual behaviour among children
- Briefing for MPs ahead of the report stage of the Illegal Migration Bill
- Business plan 2023-24
- Family contact in youth custody
- Strip search of children in England and Wales
- Illegal Migration Bill - priorities for Amendment drafting
- Briefing to MPs on Illegal Migration Bill
- Children's mental health services 2021-2022
- Statement from the Children’s Commissioner in response to the SEND Improvement Plan
- Attendance is everyone's business
- Conversation with Shammi Rahman: The importance of Religious Education
- ‘A lot of it is actually just abuse’- Young people and pornography
- Supported accommodation for children in care
- Siblings in Care
- Findings from The Big Ask: Children in Care
- A positive approach to parenting: Part 2 of the Independent Family Review
- Children’s Voices: Views on family from students at Ark Boulton Academy
- Education history and attendance
- The Children's Commissioner's submission to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
- What children need from an integrated alternative provision system
- Beyond the Labels: A SEND system which works for every child, every time
- Help at Hand Annual Report and Review
- Conversations with care leavers: Relationships in the care system podcast
- Vision for care leavers
- Vision for childcare
- Digital childhoods: a survey of children and parents
- Family and its protective effect: Part 1 of the Independent Family Review
- Strip search of children by the Metropolitan Police Service - new analysis by the Children’s Commissioner for England
- Reforming children's homes: a policy plan of action
- Back into school: New insights into school absence - evidence from three multi-academy trusts
- A Head Start: Early support for children’s mental health
- Voices of England's Missing Children
- Talking about Attendance
- Briefing to MPs on the Online Safety Bill
- Business Plan 2022-2023
- An inconsistent approach to SEND, findings from analysis of Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) from two local authorities in England
- Ambition for all – our vision for a school system that works for all children
- Online Safety Commission from Government: Our recommendations for making the online world safer for children
- Where are England’s Children? Interim findings from the Children’s Commissioner’s Attendance Audit
- One year as Children's Commissioner: March 2021-March 2022
- Briefing on Children’s Mental Health Services – 2020/2021
- Children’s Social Care – putting children’s voices at the heart of reform
- Children's voices: Back to school
- Talking to your child about online sexual harassment: A guide for parents
- Guide to COP26 for children and slides for schools
- The Big Ask: The Big Answer
- The Big Ask: Big Answers
- Interim findings on Government’s commission on online peer-on-peer abuse
- Back to school guide
- The Childhood Commission
- Children in custody during lockdown
- Five things you need to know about SEN in schools
- Building back better
- Characteristics of children entering care for the first time as teenagers
- Still not safe
- Detention of unaccompanied children arriving in Kent during 2020
- Children's Commissioner's podcast: Lockdown, school and football
- The state of children’s mental health services 2019/20
- Roadmap to reopening schools
- Too many at-risk children are still invisible to social care
- Child poverty: the crisis we can’t keep ignoring
- Routes to citizenship
- Good schools
- Injustice or In Justice
- Report to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
- Are we there yet? Our rights, our say
- Briefing on the full Government response to the Online Harms White Paper
- School attendance since September
- Children's Commissioner podcast: Doncaster family hub
- Access denied: How end-to-end encryption threatens children's safety online
- Who are they? Where are they? 2020
- Children’s experiences in mental health wards
- Mean streets
- Gambling act review
- The children who no-one knows what to do with
- Private provision in children’s social care
- Stability index 2020
- Some sort of normal
- School return: Covid-19 and school attendance
- Inpatient mental health wards during Covid-19
- Childhood in the time of Covid
- Stress among children in England during the coronavirus lockdown
- Unregulated
- Going back to school guide
- No way out
- Putting children first in future lockdowns
- Best beginnings in the early years
- Teenagers falling through the gaps
- The need for summer scheme support in response to Covid-19
- What Covid-19 means for young apprentices
- Children in custody
- We don’t need no education?
- Lockdown babies
- We're all in this together?
- Tackling the disadvantage gap during the Covid-19 crisis
- Children, domestic abuse and coronavirus
- Childhood in 2020
- Business plan 2020-21
- Children's guide to coronavirus
- Health inequalities briefing
- The state of children's mental health services 2018/19
- Pass the parcel: children posted around the care system
- UK Children’s Commissioners’ UNCRC mid-term review
- EU children in Britain
- Children's insights
- Gaming the system
- A Manifesto for Children
- Bleak houses
- Stability Index 2019
- Children's Voices: Children’s experiences of instability in the care system
- Childhood vulnerability in England 2019
- Advocacy for children
- We need to talk: Access to speech and language therapy
- Far less than they deserve
- Who are they? Where are they?
- Exclusions from mainstream schools
- Early access to mental health support
- UK NPM submission to the 66th session of the Committee against Torture
- Keeping kids safe
- Evidence submitted to the HCLG Select Committee Inquiry into funding and provision of children’s services
- Skipping school: Invisible children
- Children’s mental health briefing
- Who knows what about me?
- Pre-Budget Briefing Autumn 2018
- Estimating the number of vulnerable babies
- A Crying Shame
- A report on the use of segregation in youth custody in England
- Playing Out
- Children living in households with the 'toxic trio' - mental health issues, parental substance misuse and domestic abuse
- Annual Review 2017-18
- Childhood vulnerability in England 2018
- Kin and Country: Growing Up as an Armed Forces Child
- Public Spending on Children: 2000 to 2020
- A Night in the Cells
- Stability Index 2018
- Voices of Children in Foster Care
- Who cares?
- Forging futures through mentoring: A risk worth pursuing?
- Business Plan 2018-19
- Growing up North: A generation of children await the powerhouse promise
- Voices from the Inside
- Life in Likes
- Growing Up Digital In Care
- Briefing: Falling through the Gaps in Education
- Children’s Voices: The Wellbeing of Children excluded from Schools and in Alternative Provision
- Children's Voices: The Wellbeing of Children in Detention in England
- Children's Voices: The Wellbeing of Children Subject to Immigration Controls in England
- Children's Voices: The Wellbeing of Children involved in Gangs in England
- Children's Voices: The Wellbeing of Children with Mental Health Needs in England
- Briefing: Children’s Mental Healthcare in England
- Simplified social media terms and conditions for Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and WhatsApp
- Rapid review of sources of evidence on the views, experiences and perceptions of children in care and care leavers
- Childhood vulnerability in England 2017
- Review of 2016-2017 and the year ahead
- The Case for a UNCRC General Comment on Children's Rights and Digital Media
- Briefing: the status of EU National Children in Britain
- Business Plan 2017-18
- Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
- Stability Index: Initial Findings and Technical Report
- Test Policy Name
- Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Growing up Digital
- The support provided to Young Carers in England
- Growing up North: Time to leave the North-South divide behind
- Family hubs: A discussion paper
- Lightning Review: Children's access to school nurses
- Delivering a care leavers' strategy for traineeships and apprenticeships
- Ambitious for Children 2016-17
- The impact of online pornography on children and young people
- Barnahus: Improving the response to child sexual abuse in England
- Independent advocacy for children and young people in care
- Lightning Review: Access to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- Independent Advocacy: Impact and Outcomes
- Speaking Up
- Safety First
- Speaking up: When children and young people want to complain about school
- Protecting children from harm
- Unlocking Potential
- 'If it's not better, it's not the end'
- Response to Home Office consultation on reforming support for failed asylum seekers
- Children's Commissioner responds to Youth Justice Board's expenditure in 2015/16
- Reforming support for failed asylum seekers and other illegal immigrants
- Family Friendly?
- Skype Families
- Ambitious for children (2015 report)
- State of the Nation: Children in Care
- Changing the Odds in the Early Years
- UK Commissioners UNCRC Report
- Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee's Seventh Periodic Review of the UK at the Committee's 114th Session
- Reducing the impact of low-income: Experiences of services
- Why rights matter
- Listen to Us
- My Life at School
- Views and Experiences of Children in Residential Special Schools
- An Adequate Standard of Living
- 'They still need to listen more'
- Policies for Low-Income Families
- 'I think you need someone to show you what help there is'
- Guide to the UNCRC
- Ten Points for Children in Care Councils to Monitor
- Closing a Children's Home
- Guide to Munro Review of Child Protection
- Child Rights Impact Assessment on Changes to Legal Aid since 2013
- Impact on Children of Legal Aid Changes
- 'It's a lonely journey'
- A Rights-Based Approach to Education
- Recommendations on Rights to Education
- 'It might be best if you looked elsewhere'
- What's going to happen tomorrow?
- Response to List Of Issues Submitted under Optional Protocol on sale of child pornography, etc.
- Working Together to Safeguard Children
- Inquiry into violence against women and girls
- Children's Care Monitor 2013-14
- Documentary Analysis of Education Policy
- Carlile Inquiry
- 'It's wrong but you get used to it'
- 'If only someone had listened'
- What we say we need
- 'Sex without consent, I suppose that is rape'
- 'It takes a lot to build trust'
- We want to help people see things our way
- Child Rights Impact Assessment
- Creating a Rights-Based Framework
- We want to help people see things our way: Matrix
- Feeling Safe, Keeping Safe
- Common Principles for a Child-Friendly Complaints Process
- Good practice in safeguarding and child protection in secondary schools
- Submission to Pre-Sessional Working Group of the UNCRC
- Basically Porn is Everywhere
- Child Rights Impact Assessment of Budget Decisions
- Child Rights Impact Assessment of Anti-Social Behaviour
- Always Someone Else's Problem
- Guide to Keeping Children Safe
- Guide to Good Corporate Parents
- Independent Reviewing Officer Guide
- 'We would like to make a change'
- 'They go the extra mile': Reducing inequalities in school exclusion
- Child Poverty Strategy Response
- Measuring Child Poverty
- Children and Families Bill Child Rights Impact Assessment
- 'I thought I was the only one in the world'
- Gang-associated sexual exploitation and sexual violence
- Inquiry into human rights of migrant children
- Right to Health
- Nobody Made the Connection
- Silent Voices
- You Have Someone To Trust
- Accelerated Report for Secretary of State for Education
- 'It takes a lot of courage'
- Why are they going to listen to me?
- The Fact of Age
- Inquiry into missing children: Response
- Children Safeguarding Performance Information
- Proposed model for Child Rights Impact Assessments
- Parliamentary briefing on the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill
- 'They never give up on you'
- Child Rights Impact Assessment of Welfare Reform Bill
- Landing in Dover
- The Home Front
- UNCRC Resourse Pack
- Scoping Report on Advocacy Services
- 'I think I must have been born bad'
- Submission to the Munro Review of Child Protection
- Young People's Views on Safeguarding in the Secure Estate
- Young People's Views on Restraint in the Secure Estate
- Trying to get by
- 'Don't make assumptions'
- Children and Young People's Views of Education Policy
- Proposals for the Reform of Legal Aid in England and Wales
- Landing in Kent
- Submission to the Munro Review of Child Protection
- Joint response to 'Policing in the 21st Century'
- Alternatives to Detention
- Care Planning Placement and Case Review
- Children's Participation in Decision Making
- Report on the views of children and young people regarding media access to family courts
- Arrest and Detention of Children: Follow-Up Report
Corporate Governance
- Whistleblowing
- Whistleblowing Report 2023-2024
- Advisory board
- Audit and risk committee
- Spend over £25,000: 2024 - 2025
- GPC spend over £500: 2024 - 2025
- Annual Report: 2023-2024
- Giving all children a voice: Children's Commissioner's three-year strategy
- Business Plan 2024-2025
- Delivering the Children's Commissioner's Strategy: 2021-2024
- Data protection impact assessment for The Big Ambition
- Spend over £25,000: 2023 - 2024
- GPC spend over £500: 2023 - 2024
- Spend over £25,000: 2022 - 2023
- Annual report 2022-23
- Business plan 2023-24
- Register of interests
- Annual report 2021-22
- Spend over £25,000: 2021 - 2022
- GPC spend over £500: 2022 - 2023
- Business Plan 2022-23
- GPC spend over £500: 2021 - 2022
- Data protection impact assessment for Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
- Annual report 2020-21
- Data protection impact assessment for The Big Ask
- Business plan 2021-22
- Help at Hand annual report 2020
- Spend over £25,000: 2020 - 2021
- Expenses and hospitality for 2020-21
- Expenses and hospitality policy
- GPC spend over £500: 2020 - 2021
- Annual report 2019-20
- Data protection impact assessment for use of DfE administrative records
- Business plan 2010-11
- Business plan 2011-12
- Business plan 2012-13
- Business plan 2013-14
- Business plan 2014-15
- Business plan 2015-16
- Business plan 2016-17
- Business plan 2017-18
- Annual report 2006-07
- Annual report 2007-08
- Annual report 2008-09
- Annual report 2009-10
- Annual report 2010-11
- Annual report 2011-12
- Annual report 2012-13
- Annual report 2013-14
- Annual report 2014-15
- Annual report 2015-16
- Annual report 2016-17
- Annual report 2017-18
- DfE framework agreement
- Memorandum of understanding between British and Irish Network of Ombudsman and Children’s Commissioners
- Publications scheme
- Freedom of information policy
- Data protection policy
- Business plan 2020-21
- Annual report 2018-19
- Complaints procedure
- Business plan 2019-20
- Tailored review 2019
- Business plan 2018-19