Today, marks the close of our Call for Evidence for the Family Review. I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who responded to the Call for Evidence and contributed to our ongoing research.
The Government commissioned the Children’s Commissioner to conduct an independent Family Review. This Review aims to explore the diversity of family’s experiences and thoughts on modern family life, with a particular focus on children’s perspectives. The Review will listen to families and children, provide insights into the structure of families today and the networks of people that make-up family life. It will also look at the services that are provided to families, recognising the role that they play and what can be done to improve them.
An important part of this work has been hearing from stakeholders and organisations with expertise in this space. That is why in April, the office issued a Call for Evidence to gather the latest and highest quality research and expertise to inform our work.
The response to the Call for Evidence has been fantastic. We have received a breadth of data and research from a range of individuals and organisations, which we will summarise alongside findings from a comprehensive literature review on family life and support.