In Part 2 of my Independent Family Review, I will outline my plans for how to develop tangible policy solutions that will give families the support they want and need.
To inform my policy plans, this month I hosted three roundtables with stakeholders with a range of expertise in supporting children and families. Our discussions focused on how we can create policy solutions that ensure that families across England have access to the support they need to thrive.
First, I hosted a roundtable with a group of stakeholders from charities working to support children and families. I am grateful to the attendees for their insights on how the Family Test could be updated to ensure that it is used at national policy making levels and at a local level to shape policy implementation and service delivery.
Last week I invited businesses and charities that support working families to discuss how we can enhance the support that parents receive through parental leave policies and flexible working arrangements. We had a broad discussion about the role of businesses and the government in supporting families to balance work and family life.
Finally, this week I hosted a roundtable with representatives from the First 1001 Days Movement Steering Group. As many of the attendees work to support families in the early years, it was also a chance to reflect on my Vision for childcare that I published last week. We had a rich discussion about how to support families during the perinatal period and ensure that the sector is working cohesively towards shared outcomes.
Thank you to all of the stakeholders who attended the roundtables and shared their knowledge and insights. I will be drawing on our discussions as I develop my policy proposals for Part 2 of the Family Review.