On this year’s National Numeracy Day we launched ‘Where can I go with maths?’ an interactive resource for young people aimed at connecting maths to careers, skills and everyday life.
Since May we’ve had thousands of young people use our resource and we have received some great feedback. One of the main requests was to add more career profiles. Today, we are launching a new call out for people to get their profiles added to the resource. This call out will be open until 31st October so that we can relaunch the resource in Maths Week England (14-18th November).
The ‘Where can I go with maths?’ resource aims to support young people by:
- Increasing the awareness of just how many careers use maths and how it is used in life more generally, sharing a diverse range of roles, some which might not traditionally be thought of as involving maths such as baker, special effects artist, and fashion designer.
- Highlighting transferable skills that young people can relate to and helping them recognise that they might already be utilising or developing these skills through education, hobbies, and interests.
- Showcasing how the content they are learning in school relates to careers and everyday life.
The office is sharing profiles of people who have careers that use maths or maths skills. In particular we are looking to:
- increase the amount of role models from different career pathways, for example people who have done apprenticeships.
- Hear from more people of all backgrounds. It’s important that young people can recognise themselves within the resource and feel that the careers are for ‘people like me’.
- Hear from people working in careers such as engineering, dentistry, English and the creative and hospitality industries.
If you would like to share your profile please fill out this short form which asks about how you use maths or maths skills in your career and life more generally, what sparked your interest in maths and/or your career and for you to share any career advice you might have for young people. Please also share with your networks and with anyone you think would make a great role model!