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The Commissioner is the designated Accounting Officer for the Children’s Commissioner for England’s office (CCo). The Commissioner has personal responsibility for maintaining a sound system of governance, internal control, and risk management within this area of responsibility to support the achievement of CCo’s policies, aims and objectives, whilst safeguarding public funds and the sponsoring department’s assets.

Corporate Governance

Annual Report: 2023-2024

30 July 2024

The Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England has today laid its annual report and accounts for the period April 2023 to March 2024 before Parliament. Here, the Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza introduces these accounts, a summary of project work, impact and financial activity for the financial year. Children may not have a […]

Corporate Governance

Giving all children a voice: Children’s Commissioner’s three-year strategy

28 March 2024

“During my tenure, I want my work to improve the chances of every single child, whatever their early standing in life, wherever they are, from the inner city to the most remote corner of every county in England.” That quote is from my first day as Children’s Commissioner on 1 March 2021. Three years on […]

Corporate Governance

Business Plan 2024-2025

The Children’s Commissioner is now halfway through her term. The coming year will be a critical one for children’s rights, with a General Election and a new government – whichever party or parties form it. They will have a new mandate to set an ambitious vision for what childhood can be, and for putting children’s […]

Corporate Governance

Whistleblowing Report 2023-2024

26 September 2024

The Children’s Commissioner is named in the Prescribed Persons Order 2014 as someone to whom whistle-blowers can raise concerns relating to the rights, welfare and interests of children. Whistle-blowing arrangements offer a framework of protection against victimisation or dismissal for workers who blow the whistle on criminal behaviour or other wrongdoing. Here you can find […]

Corporate Governance

Advisory board

3 September 2024

The Children’s Commissioner’s Advisory Board challenges and advises the office and meets four-six times a year. The Advisory Board, a requirement of the Children and Families Act 2014, is made up of representatives from across children’s and wider sectors. The Advisory Board advises on how the powers of the Children’s Commissioner can be used to […]

Corporate Governance

Audit and risk committee

The Children’s Commissioner’s audit and risk committee provides advice, challenge and scrutiny to the office, including: The committee meets four-five times a year and is made up of representatives from across children’s and wider sectors with a range of backgrounds and experiences. One member must be a qualified accountant, and the chair of the committee […]

Corporate Governance

Spend over £25,000: 2024 – 2025

6 August 2024

We publish details of all spending over £25,000 on a quarterly basis. 1 April 2024 – 30 June 2024 Transaction date Merchant name Transaction amount Entity Details 8/4/2024 Department for Education £31,431.72 OCC IT services 1 July 2024 – 30 September 2024 Transaction date Merchant name Transaction amount Entity Details 13/9/2024 Government Property Agency £105,243.00 […]

Corporate Governance

Delivering the Children’s Commissioner’s Strategy: 2021-2024

28 March 2024

The purpose of this paper is to provide a self-assessment on the progress the Children’s Commissioner’s Office has made against its three-year strategic (2021 -2024) plan. This has been divided into two sections:

Corporate Governance

Data protection impact assessment for The Big Ambition

14 September 2023
Corporate Governance

GPC spend over £500: 2023 – 2024

23 August 2023

1 April 2023 – 30 June 2023 Transaction date Merchant name Transaction amount Entity Details 05/05/2023 The Guardian £750.00 OCC Recruitment advertising 30/05/2023 Hootsuite £588.99 OCC Social Media Services 17/06/2023 Posit Software £887.68 OCC Rstudio Computer and Data Processing Service 30/06/2023 Media Training £1339.20 OCC Training for Communications Team 1 July 2023 – 30 September […]

Corporate Governance

Spend over £25,000: 2022 – 2023

22 August 2023

We publish details of all spending over £25,000 on a quarterly basis. 1 April 2022 – 30 June 2022 Nil 1 July 2022 – 30 September 2022 Transaction date Merchant name Transaction amount Entity Details 06/07/2022 Government Property Agency £32,952.80 OCC Rent and Facilities Management Charges 25/08/2022 Government Property Agency £25,321.32 OCC Rent and Facilities […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2022-23

31 July 2023

Introduction by Dame Rachel de Souza, Children’s Commissioner for England When I took up post as Children’s Commissioner, over two years ago now, I wanted to make sure that every child in England felt listened to. But more than that, I wanted the adults around them to mirror the ambition they have for themselves by […]

Corporate Governance

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