If you’re in care, leaving care, living away from home or working with social services, we can give you free, impartial help and advice. You can speak to us confidentially about any questions you have or anything that’s troubling you – no issue is too big or too small. Just get in touch with us via email at [email protected].
If you’d rather speak to us on the phone, you can call us free on 0800 528 0731.
Please note – we are currently experiencing problems with our help line. If you cannot get through, please call our switchboard on 020 7783 8330 and ask to be put through to Help at Hand.
Get us to contact you back
If you’re a child in care or a care leaver, fill in your details below and we’ll call or email you back as soon as we can.
Help at Hand’s inbox is not monitored outside of our standard working hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) so if you need urgent help, please contact childline on 0800 1111