Yesterday, I published Family and its protective effect: Part 1 of the Independent Family Review.
Alongside the report, I also launched ‘The Big Summer Survey’. This is available to all children aged 7-17 in England and will engage children in a national conversation about family life.
The Big Summer Survey is an opportunity for children to tell me how they have spent their summer holidays, what they enjoyed doing and how they spent time with their family. The summer holidays should be an exciting time for children, an opportunity to spend quality time with their family, to experience new places and prepare for the new school year. However, nationally, we know very little about how children spend their summer, whether they were able to play outside, take part in activities they enjoy and spend time with the people important to them.
As children return to their classrooms, ‘The Big Summer Survey’ is an opportunity to have a conversation about children’s summer experiences and I want to see as many children as possible taking part.
The next Family Review report will provide evidence on the services that families need to thrive. ‘The Big Summer Survey’ will contribute essential evidence to this report, showing what children need when they are out of school.
To support participation I have also produced resources for schools and home learners including a lesson plan, frequently asked questions, template text for school newsletters and more, all available here.
It’s so important that we listen to what children have to tell us and I can’t wait to see the results of this survey and put children’s experiences at the heart of the Family Review.