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Your stories
My journey to independence: A care leaver’s journey
Career planning and employability resources
Your stories
Career experienced people: Meet Louise, a Civil Service Care Leaver Intern
Your stories
Competition: What would you say to your future self?
Your stories
What I wish I’d known before becoming a care-experienced social worker
Featured image - Studio headphones and recording equipment
Your stories
The IMO Podcast, series 2 episode 2: Charlotte’s story
#definecare image of carers leavers from across the country to coming together virtually during the lockdown to create a collaborative poem about how they define care.
Your stories
How do you #definecare? A collaborative poem by care experienced people
Image of instant noodles packet and instant noodles which have been cooked.
Your stories
Children aren’t leaving care, care is leaving them
Career experienced people
Who are you? Expressing identities through art
Your stories
Taking my power back through creative writing
Your stories
Finding my voice and owning my reality
Your stories
The IMO Podcast, series 1 episode 5: Steven’s story