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Evidence on pornography’s influence on harmful sexual behaviour among children

9 May 2023

This paper is the second in a series of reports exploring the impact of pornography on children. As Children’s Commissioner, it is my duty to protect children from harm in both the physical and online worlds. As the Online Safety Bill moves through Parliament, I want to use this opportunity to turn the tide on […]


Briefing for MPs ahead of the report stage of the Illegal Migration Bill

25 April 2023

As the Illegal Migration Bill enters Report Stage on Wednesday 26th April, the Children’s Commissioner remains concerned about provisions in the Bill for children and young people. The Children’s Commissioner for England has a statutory duty, as set out in the Children Act 2004, to promote and protect the rights of children all children, with […]


Business plan 2023-24

30 March 2023

Looking to a new business year, I have been reflecting on children and young people’s lives over the last couple of years and thinking about everything they have told me since I have become Children’s Commissioner. When I started in role, the impact of Covid and children’s lives returning to normal was at the forefront […]


Family contact in youth custody

29 March 2023

In May 2022 I welcomed a Government commission to conduct an Independent Review of family life. In doing so, I set out to demonstrate the immense and protective power of family life on our children and society. I found that families – no matter their size, shape or composition – are fundamental to society and […]


Strip search of children in England and Wales

27 March 2023

I conducted my first project on strip searching because I was shocked and appalled by what happened to Child Q in Hackney last year. I felt that I owed it to her to establish whether she was the only child this has happened to. She wasn’t. Those findings, published last August in relation to the […]


Illegal Migration Bill – priorities for Amendment drafting

24 March 2023

The previous briefing that the Children’s Commissioner’s office shared set out in detail the Children’s Commissioner’s main concerns about the Illegal Migration Bill. Ahead of the Committee Stage next week, this document provides an overview of the amendments and some clarifications that the Children’s Commissioner would like to see reflected in the Bill. The document […]


Briefing to MPs on Illegal Migration Bill

13 March 2023

The Children’s Commissioner for England has a statutory duty to promote and protect the rights of children in England. This includes those children who have arrived in the country fleeing war and persecution, who are often the victims of trafficking and exploitation. The Illegal Migration Bill will have a profound impact on the rights of […]


Children’s mental health services 2021-2022

8 March 2023

When I became Children’s Commissioner, one of my first actions was to carry out The Big Ask survey. I wanted to understand, as we were emerging from the shadow of the pandemic, what children wanted for their futures, and what worries were holding them back. It was clear from the responses to that survey, as […]


Statement from the Children’s Commissioner in response to the SEND Improvement Plan

2 March 2023

The Department for Education (DfE) has today published the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan (hereafter the Plan). The Plan sets out how DfE intends to deliver ‘a single national system that delivers consistently for every child and young person with SEND and in alternative provision’. The review of the […]


Attendance is everyone’s business

20 February 2023

To support the Education Select Committee’s inquiry into children’s absence from school, This report summarises the key findings from my attendance audit.


Conversation with Shammi Rahman: The importance of Religious Education

3 February 2023

As Children’s Commissioner for England, I dedicate my time to listening to children and making sure their voices are heard by policymakers across Government. That’s why I was really excited to take part in this podcast, as a previous RE teacher and headteacher, first in Luton and then in Norwich.  It was great to speak […]


‘A lot of it is actually just abuse’- Young people and pornography

31 January 2023

This paper, the first in a series of research reports, makes clear the urgent need to protect children from the harms of online pornography. It is my duty as Children’s Commissioner to champion young people’s views and voices, and to ensure that all children enjoy the freedom to grow up safely and happily, both online […]
