We had a great response to our Christmas competition calling for photographs to be used by the Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, on her official 2021 Christmas Card.
Ria – Christmas in a London square showing how life is getting back to being busy after the pandemic
Ria said ‘through lockdown everything has been so quiet. Coming out of it, it’s getting so busy, especially in town centres. It’s been such a massive difference from the quiet of the pandemic to business as usual and Christmas has emphasised that’. As a care leaver she described Christmas as a ‘joyful but lonely time’. Ria is a design artist who uses paint, print and collage to create radical and inspirational slogans about identity. You can follow her on Instagram @lakexy_design_artist and twitter @lakereble9.
Steve – Every year I go to Keswick with my family. The pictures represent the peace and tranquillity that Keswick offers.
Zara – I visited Newcastle for the day and loved the Christmassy mood it put me in. I had to wait 20 mins to get a photo without someone in!
Zara – At my Uni accommodation, we live on a river and it snowed. This made me happy and a bit sad. Back home we haven’t had snow for over 3 years and the last time we did was the day my foster father died. It made me think of him, and the happy times, so I took lots of photos of the snow and this one was my favourite.
Caitlin – This was after we had a mini blizzard and went on a winter walk. It was so peaceful and it was gorgeous.
Shauna – This was a random house but thought it was
Thank you to everyone who entered! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of the IMO community!