‘Dream on‘ is a new animation created with teenagers from Hull Young Voices Influencing Care. It is about waking up but being too scared to open your eyes, because when you open your eyes you will find out that what happened yesterday wasn’t a dream. My Pockets worked with these teenagers to make an animation that challenges people to think differently about what care should be. It asks us to think differently, to try harder and to dream.
We started out wanting to make a film that showed our lives and what we needed to happen to make things better for all children and young people in care and all the people around us. We wanted people to know that if we all play our part we can dare to dream big!
We wanted young people to trust us that it would be okay, there would be ups and downs at times and that we were working on things to make changes important to us, that we matter we deserve to do well in all areas of our lives and the people around us to do their bit. We wanted the adults around us to know and do their part well and see their place in our journey.
We wanted to make something that didn’t point out things that are not working for us right now as we have worked on the Independent Care Review and have led on the Brightspots improvements within our Local Authority and for us in Hull people are listening to us and keeping us up to date on the progress they are making towards our priorities.
We reached out to My Pockets who were able to work in collaboration with us using their skills to get our messages documented. The process has been very exciting and fun and the commitment we made to each other to meet regularly and do our best for all young people hopefully shines through.
We hope it inspires everyone everywhere by showing a snapshot of our lives and everything that needs to be in place to make life good and we deserve that. Hope you enjoy it!
The project was supported by Hull YVIC and Hull City Council.
We previously shared a series of animations based on journey’s through the care system.