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Imagine if you could go back in time and know then what you know now. Wouldn’t it be great?

Over the last month, teens in care and care leavers from all over the UK have been taking part in our #dearyoungerme campaign by writing postcards to their younger selves. They’ve shared some wonderful, inspiring and heartfelt messages, words of encouragement, and advice – all the things they wish they’d have known earlier. Their messages touch on a wide range of themes, including relationships, confidence, stigma, education and mental health.

Here is a selection of the best postcards below around the theme of ‘speaking up and getting help’.

Don’t forget that people are always there for you, even if you think that there isn’t. So don’t give up just yet, there is still so much to do.

“Not all who wander are lost”

Support is there. Don’t hesitate to reach for it. If you want change you can get it, just believe in yourself.

Just remember that when people come to help you they are going to benefit you and it will help you get to where you are now.

I know it’s hard being taken away from your parents but stay calm. Everything will be okay. Take a minute to breathe and relax. You’re in good hands now.

Learn to not be so stubborn. Don’t refuse help just because you don’t want something to happen. If you’re stubborn it will just be harder for you in the long run.

If you are around the people that care they are the ones that support you through life. It can be carers, friends and relatives.

Don’t refuse help. People are only trying to do what is best for you, and if you refuse help you’ll be worse off in the end.

Thank you to everyone who took part in this campaign. Join the discussion on Twitter and Instagram using #dearyoungerme.

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