Over the last month, teens in care and care leavers from all over the UK have been taking part in our #dearyoungerme campaign by writing postcards to their younger selves. They’ve shared some wonderful, inspiring and heartfelt messages, words of encouragement, and advice – all the things they wish they’d have known earlier. Their messages touch on a wide range of themes, including relationships, confidence, stigma, education and mental health.
Here is a selection of the best postcards below around the theme of ‘confidence and standing up for yourself’.
There will be a lot of obstacles. Remember to always be positive and to not be afraid to put yourself first sometimes! Also, be a bit more vocal of what you want and never [give] up, you are strong.
You might have had a confusing past but you can have a normal future. You might have had bad times but you can be a good man. You might not be a high flyer, but you can still get off the ground.
Stick up for yourself and be yourself. Nobody can change who you are and it’s not wrong to be you.
I wish I thought before I spoke and believed in myself more.
Trust me when I say “If you shout loud enough you WILL be heard!”
Thank you to everyone who took part in this campaign. Join the discussion on Twitter and Instagram using #dearyoungerme.