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Sophie is a care leaver who has recently started writing poems to share her experience of leaving care. She has written this poem as a reflection of not feeling ready for independent living and being an adult.

I wasn’t ready, but are we ever ready? 

I wasn’t ready, but I had to be prepared. 

Prepared to cook a meal, prepared to do my laundry.

But I wasn’t ready for the responsibilities of life and the challenge of keeping a roof over my head.

I had to be ready and I had to be prepared, who else would be there to do it for me?

Are we ever ready? 

Ever ready for the unexpected and financial surprises? 

Are we ever ready, when the water pressure drops? 

These are the things which are never thought of. 

I had to be prepared to arrange my appointments, I had to be prepared to make my own way there. 

But I wasn’t ready to hear life changing news, on my own with nobody there. 

I wasn’t ready, but are we ever ready? 

I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t prepared. 

Are you feeling nervous about adult life? Check out our Turning 25 series to hear from other care experienced young people who might be feeling the same as you. Find support on our helplines, advice and support page.

We also have practical resources on our life hacks page and more to guide you through further education & careers, so be sure to take a look.

Help at Hand is the Children’s Commissioner’s advice and assistance service for children in care, children who have a social worker or are working with social services, children living away from home and care leavers. They can help you with a range of different difficulties and give you the advice you need. Here is their contact page.

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