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Hi! We’re members of Sheffield Children in Care Council. We’re all aged between 13 and 18, and we joined the council for lots of different reasons, which we’ve shared below. If you’re also a member of a CiCC, we’d love to know why you joined – let us know in the comments!

I joined my local Children in Care Council…

to change how people look at foster children.

because I want to improve the experience of being in care, and make it better for everyone.

so that my thoughts for the future can come to life.

because I think we need to be equal in every way. We should be allowed to express our thoughts and feelings on things the same as those who are not in care. We should have the same opportunities.

to help others get through being in care.

because I want to make a happy life for other children in care.

to help improve the lives of those in care.

to make things better.

About the author
Thanks to the members of Sheffield Children in Care Council for writing this piece and sharing it on IMO.
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