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When you’re a child or young adult in care, I feel like you always get looked at like you won’t go as far in life as the stereotypical “normal” child or young adult, or achieve as much. I went into the care system when I was 14 as I sadly lost my mum unexpectedly and my whole family fell apart.

As hard as it is to lose anyone you love or care about, on top of this I also had a stressful time with my GCSEs that I had to cope with. Most days and still some days now I ask myself “how did I manage to cope?”. Some days I didn’t have an answer, some days it was to make my mum proud and other days it was to prove to my family who turned their backs on me that I can make something of myself!

I finished school with 10 GCSEs, including maths, English, and science. I went off to study at level three at college and since graduating, I’ve worked in numerous jobs such as retail, pharmacy, and care. I am currently working in the theatre industry which I love.

This September I am finally fulfilling my dream of studying at university! I never thought I would ever be able to do it, but these past couple of years I’ve relied on my personal advisor and he has pushed me to help me see my full potential. I couldn’t be more thankful. In four years’ time, I will have my degree and I’ll be able to pursue my dream career… so I guess you can say my biggest achievement is making myself proud or making something of myself or even just purely surviving.

Either way, I’m proud of myself and I’m not ashamed to say I have been in the care system because it’s also helped me shape myself into the person I am today.

This blog was an entry in our ‘Write Speak Share’ writing competition. The theme for the competition was ‘Your Biggest Achievement’. 

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