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Care to listen? is a new podcast series created by teens in care and care leavers, with the help of Five Rivers fostering agency.

Listen in to this powerful series to hear first-hand experiences of what it’s really like to live and work in the care system. Each podcast has been researched, recorded and edited by teens in care, with the aim of dispelling some of the most common myths about being in care, reducing  stigma and supporting positive change.

The first episode features Callum Lynch from Who Cares? Scotland. Callum, a care leaver, graduate, Harvard Alumnus and advocate for care leavers’ rights, speaks honestly about his experiences of living in a children’s home, challenging people’s perceptions of children in care, and attending university as a care leaver.

“I’ve seen everyone around me turn to drugs, turn to addiction, become homeless. I’ve seen people become in really vulnerable situations and that includes people like my brother, and the boys I lived with. For me that was incredible frightening… that was what drove me [to go to university].”

“If I hear someone else was like Tracey Beaker I’ll go insane. People do have an attitude and perception, and that is something that is fed by the media. If you look at all TV shows where someone has been in care, they all have an issue.. there’s very few positive representiations of care experienced people.”

Find out more about the Care to Listen project here.

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