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The Commissioner is the designated Accounting Officer for the Children’s Commissioner for England’s office (CCo). The Commissioner has personal responsibility for maintaining a sound system of governance, internal control, and risk management within this area of responsibility to support the achievement of CCo’s policies, aims and objectives, whilst safeguarding public funds and the sponsoring department’s assets.

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2006-07

15 May 2020

This is our report on what we’ve done over the last year, and what we intend to achieve this year and beyond. Last year, I said we would identify our priorities – and we have. We knew we needed a clear focus to improve the lives of 11 million children and young people. We’ve asked […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2007-08

At our Summer event, children and young people chose Violence, Abuse and Bullying as the theme they wanted us to work on in 2008/09. We spent a lot of time visiting children and young people’s groups across England, documenting what they had to say in young offender institutes, health services and schools to name but […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2008-09

Many significant improvements in children and young people’s lives have come to fruition during 2008-09; and I am proud to say 11 MILLION has again played a key role in bringing them about. This, my annual report and financial statements for 2008-09, gives you an overview of our major successes in this financial year and […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2009-10

I am delighted to introduce my Annual Report for 2009-10, which includes a flavour of our achievements during the year and information about how we used our resources. As a new Commissioner, in post since 1 March, and therefore here for only the final month of the period the report covers, I am pleased to […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2010-11

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2011-12

I am delighted to join Nick to introduce this Annual Report. The Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) promotes and protects children’s rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) ratified by the UK in 1991. Our energies focus especially on both policy and practice where children’s rights are ignored […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2012-13

At the core of our work is the promotion and protection of children’s rights, under both the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) ratified by the UK in 1991, and UK and international laws and conventions where children’s lives are affected for good or ill. We do that vital work for […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2013-14

As you read this report, my staff at the Office of the Children’s Commissioner (OCC) and I are three months into fulfilling my reformed remit. On 1 April, following the passing of the Children and Families Act 2014, my role was strengthened. As a result, my primary statutory function is now to promote and protect […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2014-15

14 May 2020

This Annual Report covers the Children’s Commissioner’s year to the end of March 2015. For all but one month of that time, my predecessor Maggie Atkinson was Children’s Commissioner for England and I would like to record my thanks to her and the team who supported her for much of the work detailed herein. Bringing […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2015-16

All children should have the right to the best start in life with the love, security and opportunities they need to grow and flourish. Most of the 11.5 million children growing up in England have just those overwhelmingly positive opportunities. For them, England is a great place to grow up. However, there is no room […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2016-17

When I was appointed Children’s Commissioner in 2015, I published “Ambitious for Children” which set out my priorities for my term in office – building the aspirations of children, particularly those who have a difficult start in life, and shining a light on the hidden issues affecting the vulnerable in order to change their lives […]

Corporate Governance

Annual report 2017-18

Half way through my term as Children’s Commissioner, I am as ambitious and aspirational for children as I ever was. This role is a constant reminder that a childhood that is happy and full of love is the best springboard to adult life that any of us could have; that children are resourceful, and achieve […]

Corporate Governance

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