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Unaccompanied children in need of care

29 November 2023

As Children’s Commissioner, I have a duty to promote and protect the rights of all children. But I have a particular duty, and feel a profound responsibility, towards those who are not living with their own families. This includes the children who have arrived here unaccompanied, fleeing war and persecution in their home countries. The […]


Children’s Commissioner’s briefing on the Victims and Prisoner’s Bill

27 November 2023

The Children’s Commissioner strongly welcomes the Victims and Prisoners Bill, which is a critical opportunity tostrengthen children’s rights to safety and justice. Child victims are among the most vulnerable – too oftenexcluded from a justice process designed with adults in mind, and overlooked when it comes to specialist supportto recover. While it is the ultimate […]


Homeless 16- and 17-year olds in need of care

16 November 2023

Every child deserves a safe and loving home – either with their own family or, if that is not possible, in a stable, caring alternative. As Children’s Commissioner, I have heard from children across the country, including in my recent independent Family Review about just how central a loving home is for every child to […]


Help at Hand annual report 2023

14 November 2023

As the Children’s Commissioner for England, my statutory duty, as set out in the Children Act 2004, is to promote and protect the rights of all children, with particular regard to children who are living away from home or receiving social care services. In 2014, under section 2D of Act, the Commissioner’s powers were extended […]


Missing Children, Missing Grades

2 November 2023

Since becoming Children’s Commissioner, I have made tackling school absences one of my top priorities. I first came into this role in March 2021, after 30 years of experience in education as a multi-academy trust leader and headteacher. The nation was emerging from successive lockdowns and children’s education had been immensely disrupted. I sensed that […]


‘We all have a voice’: Disabled children’s vision for change

6 October 2023

Earlier this year, I was delighted to be commissioned by the Cabinet Office’s Disability Unit to explore in-depth the lives, experiences and needs of disabled children in England. Through this work I am keen to inform the Unit’s forthcoming Disability Action Plan. Since then, my team and I have spoken to children, young people, parents […]


Whistleblowing Report 2022-23

28 September 2023

The Children’s Commissioner is named in the Prescribed Persons Order 2014 as someone to whom whistle-blowers can raise concerns relating to the rights, welfare and interests of children. Whistle-blowing arrangements offer a framework of protection against victimisation or dismissal for workers who blow the whistle on criminal behaviour or other wrongdoing. The Children’s Commissioner’s role […]


The Children’s Commissioner’s response to ‘Youth vaping: call for evidence’

9 June 2023

I want all children to be able to grow up physically and mentally well, with access to support quickly and locally when they need it. As part of The Big Ask, I asked children about all aspects of their health and wellbeing. I was shocked and concerned to hear from children as young as 12 […]


Looked after children who are not in school

25 May 2023

Attending school, and all that comes with that experience, is something that many of us will have taken for granted over the course of our lives. I want every child to be excited about getting up for school in the morning, making new friends, learning new things and establishing formative relationships with their teachers. School […]


Briefing for Peers on the Illegal Migration Bill

10 May 2023

As the Illegal Migration Bill enters the House of Lords, the Children’s Commissioner remains concerned about provisions in the Bill for children and young people. The Children’s Commissioner has a statutory duty, as set out in the Children Act 2004, to promote and protect the rights of children all children, with particular regard to children […]


Information sheet: Pornography and young people

9 May 2023

This information sheet contains findings from the Children’s Commissioner’s survey of over 1,000 young people aged 16-21, conducted in November 2022. The findings are nationally representative of young people in England. At the end, you will find some resources and ways to access help and support.


Evidence on pornography’s influence on harmful sexual behaviour among children

This paper is the second in a series of reports exploring the impact of pornography on children. As Children’s Commissioner, it is my duty to protect children from harm in both the physical and online worlds. As the Online Safety Bill moves through Parliament, I want to use this opportunity to turn the tide on […]
