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Dame Rachel de Souza
Children’s Commissioner for England

As Children’s Commissioner it is my duty to promote and protect the rights of all children, with particular regard to children who are living away from home or receiving social care services. My priority is to listen to children across the country, to hear about their lives and champion their voices.

Our priority areas

School Survey

The biggest ever survey of schools and colleges in England is underway, to capture up-to-date information about children’s experiences of school – to drive improvements in how they receive support. It will be open until December 20, 2024.

The Big Ambition cover shot

The Big Ambition

We launched the Big Ambition to hear from children in the lead up to the next General Election on their lives, and what they want from the government to improve them. Findings from the survey were published and launched in Parliament in March 2024, adding to the work of the office over the past three years to bring the voices and experiences of a million children to politicians.

Latest News

Latest Reports

  • Equal protection from assault for children – Briefing for the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill

    6 February 2025

    The Children’s Commissioner wants England to be the best place for children to grow up. Every child should be safe, healthy and happy – and not live in fear. However currently in England, children are the only people who are not fully protected in law from assault and battery. The ‘reasonable punishment’ defence in common […]

  • Children’s involvement in the 2024 riots

    28 January 2025

    Last July, the country was rocked by the murders of three little girls in Southport. Bebe King, Alice da Silva Aguiar and Elsie Dot Stancombe who were killed while taking part in a dance class during their summer holiday; a scene of simple childhood innocence destroyed by terrifying violence. The initial response from the community […]

  • Help at Hand annual report 2023-2024

    30 December 2024

    In my four years as Children’s Commissioner for England, I have heard from more than a million children about their hopes and ambitions, and what they want from the adults making decisions in their lives. Crucially, regardless of their circumstances or backgrounds, children want their voices listened to on how to tackle key issues facing […]

  • Illegal Children’s Homes

    16 December 2024

    Every night across England hundreds of children are going to sleep in illegal homes where they are often isolated and left without appropriate care. Most of these are run by private organisations which have the least amount of oversight and scrutiny, leaving children at an increased risk of harm. There is no process for checking […]

  • Deaths of children in need

    12 December 2024

    This report contains new findings on the deaths of children in need. ‘Child in need’ is an umbrella term including looked after children, children on a child protection plan, and children on a child in need plan. This report examines the characteristics of children and young people who die having had social care involvement, and […]

  • Hierarchy of needs for care experienced young people

    10 December 2024

    The Children’s Commissioner’s Care Experienced Advisory Board have created a hierarchy of needs based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It is a visual guide to help professionals working with care experienced young people understand their needs and support them. The different levels of the pyramid consider the basic requirements that care experienced young people need […]

  • Children with complex needs who are deprived of liberty: Interviews with children to understand their experiences of being deprived of their liberty

    18 November 2024

    Thousands of children in the United Kingdom are currently deprived of their liberty. They are confined in young offender institutions, mental health wards, or secure children’s homes, but a growing proportion are being deprived of their liberty outside a secure setting, through the use of High Court deprivation of liberty orders. These orders, which are […]

  • Children’s voices on mathematics

    15 November 2024

    As Children’s Commissioner one of my main ambitions is that every child has access to a brilliant education: one that helps them to achieve their goals, no matter how ambitious.  To make this possible they need access to a broad range of subjects, with a particular focus on the core subjects of English, maths and […]

  • What is this plan for? The purpose and content of children in need plans

    4 November 2024

    There is a group of just over 400,000 children living in England who are defined as ’children in need’, because they have been identified as needing meaningful intervention from the state to support their development, prevent problems in their home lives from escalating or to help if they are disabled.   Around a quarter of these […]
